William Bullokar, Pamphlet for Grammar (1586)

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William Bullokar Note: 30/09/2005
Book title
William Bullokarz pamphlet for grammar: Or rather too be saied hiz abbreuiation of hiz grammar for English, extracted out-of hiz grammar at-larg
Publication place
Edmund Bollifant
Text type
printed book
Subject area
  • grammar
  • pronunciation
Bullokar employs his own system of phonetic spelling in this grammar
type: undifferentiated
type: logical
sample: A N&ocedil;wn-S&ucedil;bstantiu iz a perfect word of it-self witho&ucedil;t any word ţoo be' &icedil;ooinėd with it: az in the wordz shew&idot;ng be'fór what iz cal'ėd a n&ocedil;wn. (p. 2)
Kennedy, Arthur Garfield. A Bibliography on Writings on the English Language from the Beginning of Printing to the End of 1922. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1927. 5700-01. view record
Bullokar, William. Book at large (1580) and Bref grammar for English (1586). Delmar, N.Y.: Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints, n.d. view record
Modern editions
Danielsson, Bror, R. C. Alston, and J. R. Turner, eds. The Works of William Bullokar. Leeds Texts and Monographs, New Series 1. 4 vols. Vol. 1: A short introduction or guiding, 1580-1581. Vol. 2: Pamphlet for grammar, 1586, ed. J. R. Turner. Vol. 3: Books at large, 1580, ed. J. R. Turner. Vol. 4: Aesops Fablz, 1585, ed. J. R. Turner. n.p.: n.p., 1966-80. view record
Bullokar, William. Geschichte der Fabeldichtung in England bis zu John Gay (1726). Nebst Neudruck von Bullokars "Fables of Aesop" 1585, "Booke at large" 1580, "Bref Grammar for English" 1586, und "Pamphlet for Grammar" 1586. Ed. Max Plessow. Palaestra 52. Berlin: Mayer und Müller, 1906. view record
Robins, Robert Henry. "William Bullokar's `Bref grammar for English': Text and Context." Anglistentag 1993 Eichstätt. Eds. Güther Blaicher and Brigitte Glaser. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1994. 349-70. view record
Funke, Otto. "William Bullokars Bref Grammar for English (1586). Ein Beiträg zur Geschichte der Frühneuenglischen Grammatik." Anglia 62 (1938): 116-37. view record
Dobson, Eric J. English Pronunciation 1500-1700. 1957. 2nd edn. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968. 93-117 . view record
Estapá Argemí, Roser. "La primera gramática del inglés: `Pamphlet for grammar' de William Bullokar." Revista Española de Lingüistica 13.2 (1983): 283-96. view record
Hauck, E. Systematische Lautlehre Bullokars (Vokalismus). Marburg: n.p., 1906. view record
Vorlat, Emma. Progress in English Grammar 1585-1735: A Study of the Development of English Grammar and of the Interdependence among the Early English Grammarians . 4 vols.. Louvain: n.p., 1963. view record
Zachrisson, R. E. The English Pronunciation at Shakespeare's Time as Taught by William Bullokar. Uppsala: n.p., 1927. view record
Dons, Ute. Descriptive Adequacy of Early Modern English Grammars. Topics in English Linguistics 47. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2004. 7. view record