Edward Bulkley, An Answer to Ten Frivolous and Foolish Reasons, Set downe by the Rhemish Jesuits and Papists (1588)

Full Text
E. B. (alternate name for Edward Bulkley )
Lexicon title
Strange words, and affected phrases, which the Iesuits in their Latin translation of the English Testament haue without need vsed, as it may seeme for these causes: First, to show their fine eloquence, and thereby to mooue their simple readers and hearers to admire them, who commonly haue in admiration such strange things as they do not vnderstand. Secondly, to make the Scripture darke, and hard to be vnderstood of the vnlearned people, and so to depriue them of that profit and comfort which they might receiue by it. And lastly, for that they would as much dissent, and as little agree with vs, as they might
Book title
An Answere to Ten friuolous and foolish reasons, set downe by the Rhemish Iesuits and Papists in their Preface before the new Testament by them lately translated into English, which haue mooued them to forsake the originall fountaine of the Greeke, wherein the Spirit of God did indite the Gospell, and the holie Apostles did write it, to follow the streame of the Latin translation, translated we know not when nor by whom. With a discouerie of many great Corruptions and faults in the said English Translation set out at Rhemes
Publication place
Georg. Bishop
Transcription source
Henry E. Huntington Library 12851
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
  • Bible
  • branded words
A word-list comprising scriptural references and one or more branded terms
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
pages 76-80
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: Matt. 1, 19 Dismisse hir, for put away.
1588 B
Osselton, N. E. "English Specialized Lexicography in the Late Middle Ages and in the Renaissance." Fachsprachen. Languages for Special Purposes. Eds. L. Hoffman and others. 2 vols. Vol. II. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1998. 2458-65. view record