Christopher Cattan, Geomancy (1591)
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Book title
The Geomancie of Maister Cristopher Cattan. A Booke, no lesse pleasant and recreatiue, then of a wittie inuention, to knowe all thinges, past present, and to come. Whereunto is annexed the wheele of Pythagoras. Translated out of French into our English tongue
Publication place
John Wolfe
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
- cosmography and astrology
- magic
Logical definitions, as in "An abridgement of the signification of the twelue houses of the Zodiacke" (a4v-b1v)
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: undifferentiated
type: logical
sample: "The first house is commonly called the Horoscope or Angle of the Orient, and his ascendant signifieth all the beginnings of life, and of all workes." (a4v-b1r)
"GEomancie is a Science and Art which consisteth of points, prickes, and lines, made in steade of the foure Elementes, and of the Starres and Planets of Heauen called, the Science of the earth, because in times past it was made on it, as we will hereafter declare." (c2r)
sample: "The first house is commonly called the Horoscope or Angle of the Orient, and his ascendant signifieth all the beginnings of life, and of all workes." (a4v-b1r)
"GEomancie is a Science and Art which consisteth of points, prickes, and lines, made in steade of the foure Elementes, and of the Starres and Planets of Heauen called, the Science of the earth, because in times past it was made on it, as we will hereafter declare." (c2r)
Other editions
1608: STC 4865 (British Library 719.e.44)
Heninger, S. K., Jr. "Tudor Literature of the Physical Sciences." Huntington Library Quarterly 32 (1968-69): 103-33, 249-70. 262. view record