Anonymous, Catholicon Anglicum: The Remedy for all Diseases (ca. 1483)

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Book title
Catholicon Anglicum
Transcription source
This transcription of British Library Add. MS 89,074, based on the EETS edition by Herrtage (1881), was done before the rediscovery of the original manuscript. All LEME entries should be checked against the online images at the British Library web site. The LEME transcription is unreliable now.
(1) British Library Additional MS 15,562. PE D538 MICR mfm1. Dated mid-15th century.
(2) Lord Monson MS 168. This manuscript is British Library Additional 89,074, newly recovered in 2014. (3) BL Add. Ms 42,571: Albert Way's partial transcript of Add MS 89,074 done in 1841 when it was Monson 168.
Text type
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
The title can be translated, "remedy for all diseases." The text comes from northwest England. Sources include Brito, John Balbus, Catholicon, Doctrinale, John of Garland's gloss on his Liber Equivocorum, (often) John of Garland, Synonyma, Hugutio (often), Papias, Vergil, Ysidore of Seville, and Medulla
headwords: English
explanations: Latin
explanations: Latin
Available at
type: alphabetical
type: headword
number: 7194
sample: an Adyllyng[e] meritu[m] g[ra]cia
Modern editions
Herttage, S. J. H., ed. Catholicon Anglicum, an English Latin Wordbook, Dated 1483. Early English Text Society Original Series 75. London: Trübner, 1881. view record
Addy, Sidney Oldall. "The author of the 'CATHOLICON ANGLICUM'." A Glossary of Words Used in the Neighbourhood of Sheffield Including a Selection of Local Names, and Some Notices of Folk-lore, Games and Customs. English Dialect Society. Supplement (1891). London: Trübner, 1888. xxxiv-xliii. view record
Anonymous. Promptorium Parvulorum Sive Clericorum, Lexicon Anglo-Latinum Princeps. Ed. Albertus May. Camden Society 25, 54, 89. 3 vols. London: n.p., 1843-65. lxiv-lxv. view record
Starnes, De Witt Talmage. Renaissance Dictionaries, English-Latin and Latin-English. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1954. 19-23. view record
Stein, Gabriele. The English Dictionary before Cawdrey. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1985. 107-20. view record
Stein, Gabriele. "The Catholicon Anglicum (1483): A Reconsideration." Nordic Journal of English Studies 3.1 (2004): 109-24. view record