Thomas Blundeville, Exercises (1594)
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Thomas Blundeville Note: 30/09/2005
Book title
M. Blundevile His Exercises, containing sixe Treatises, the titles wherof are set down in the next printed page: which Treatises are verie necessarie to be read and learned of all yoong Gentlemen that haue not bene exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to haue knowledge as well in Cosmographie, Astronomie, and Geographie, as also in the Arte of Navigation, in which Arte it is impossible to profite without the helpe of these, or such like instructions. To the furtherance of which Arte of Navigation, the said M. Blundevile speciallie wrote the said Treatises and of meere good will doth dedicate the same to all the young Gentlemen of this Realme
Publication place
John Windet
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
- mathematics
- navigation and the sea
(a) "Of Arithmetike"; (b) "The definitions of the foresaid tearmes"; and (c) "The exposition of certaine termes or principles of Geometrie"
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
(a) 1-2;
(b) 47-48;
(c) 127-29
type: topical
type: headword
sample: (a) WHat is Arithmetike? It is the art of counting or numbryng by figures. (1r) (b) AN Arch is any part of portion of the circumference of a Circle, which in this practise doth not commonly extend beyond 180. degrees which is one halfe of the circumference of any Circle how great or small so euer it be, for euery Circle containeth 360 degrees (47v) (c) 1 A point called in Latine punctus, is a thing supposed to be indiuisible, hauing neither length, breadth, no deapth, as the point or pricke a. (127r)
sample: (a) WHat is Arithmetike? It is the art of counting or numbryng by figures. (1r) (b) AN Arch is any part of portion of the circumference of a Circle, which in this practise doth not commonly extend beyond 180. degrees which is one halfe of the circumference of any Circle how great or small so euer it be, for euery Circle containeth 360 degrees (47v) (c) 1 A point called in Latine punctus, is a thing supposed to be indiuisible, hauing neither length, breadth, no deapth, as the point or pricke a. (127r)
1594 B
Blundeville, Thomas. M. Blundevile, his Exercises Containing Sixe Treatises . English experience, no. 361. Amsterdam and New York: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum and Da Capo Press, 1971. view record
Heninger, S. K., Jr. "Tudor Literature of the Physical Sciences." Huntington Library Quarterly 32 (1968-69): 103-33, 249-70. 118-19. view record