John Minsheu, A Dictionary in Spanish and English (1599)

Full Text
John Minsheu Note: 12/10/2005
Richard Percival (alternate name for Richard Perceval )
Book title
A Dictionarie in Spanish and English, first published into the English tongue by Ric. Perciuale Gent. Now enlarged and amplified with many thousand words, as by this marke * to each of them prefixed may appeere; together with the accenting of euery worde throughout the whole Dictionarie, for the true pronunciation of the language, as also for the diuers signification of one and the selfsame word: And for the learners ease and furtherance, the declining of all hard and irregular verbs; and for the same cause the former order of the Alphabet is altered, diuers hard and vncouth phrases and speeches out of sundry of the best Authors explained, with diuers necessarie notes and especiall directions for all such as shall be desirous to attaine the perfection of the Spanish tongue. All done by Iohn Minsheu Professor of Languages in London. Hereunto for the further profite and pleasure of the learner or delighted in this tongue, is annexed an ample English Dictionarie, Alphabetically set downe with the Spanish words thereunto adioyned, as also an Alphabeticall Table of the Arabicke and Moorish words, now commonly receiued and vsed in the Spanish tongue, which being dispersed in their seuerall due places throughout the whole Dictionarie are marked thus ?: by the same Iohn Minsheu. For the right vse of this worke, I referre you to the directions before the Dictionarie, contriued in diuers points differing from other Dictionaries heretofore set foorth
Publication place
Edm. Bollifant
Transcription source
Henry E. Huntington Library (mfm PR U548 reel 331)
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
Minsheu drops the Latin in Percevale's lexicon
headwords: Spanish
explanations: English
explanations: English
402 pages
type: alphabetical
type: headword
number: 25553
sample: Abád, m. an Abbot, or Prior, or religious man.
Kennedy, Arthur Garfield. A Bibliography on Writings on the English Language from the Beginning of Printing to the End of 1922. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1927. 2515, 2767 . view record
Other editions
1623: STC 19621, -21a
Schäfer, Jürgen. "John Minsheu: Scholar or Charlatan?." Renaissance Quarterly 26.1 (1973): 23-35. view record
Stein, Gabriele. The English Dictionary before Cawdrey. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1985. 353-77. view record
Ungerer, Gustav. "The Printing of Spanish Books in Elizabethan England." Series 5. The Library 20 (1965): 177-229. 204-05 . view record
Williams, F. B. "Scholarly Publication in Shakespeare's Day: A Leading Case." Joseph Quincy Adams: Memorial Studies. Ed. J. G. McManaway. Washington: n.p., 1948. 755-73. view record
Warren, Jonathan. "Reflections of an Electronic Scribe: Two Renaissance Dictionaries and Their Implicit Philosophies of Language." Early Modern Literary Studies (1997 Spring): view record
Salmon, Vivian. "Some Notes on the Life and Work of John Minsheu (1560-1627)." Historiographia linguistica 30.3 (2003): 259-72. view record
Lenz, Katja and Ruth M&ol;hlig, eds. "John Minsheu, Polymath and Poseur: Old English in an Early Seventeenth-century Dictionary." Of Diuersitie & Chaunge of Langage: Essays Presented to Manfred Görlach on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 2002. 144-56. view record
Fernández Urdaneta, Heberto H. "Dictionaries and Vocabularies in Spanish and English from 1554 to 1740: Their Structure and Development." Ph.D. dissertation (Université de Montréal). Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 68.12 (2008 (June)): 5050. 166-205. view record
  • Thomas, Thomas. Dictionarium Linguae Latinae et Anglicanae, 1587. English linguistics, 1500-1800, no. 330. Menston: Scolar Press, 1972. view record
  • Rider, John. Bibliotheca Scholastica, 1589. English linguistics 1500-1800, no. 217. Menston: Scolar Press, 1970. view record
  • Florio, John. A Worlde of Wordes (1598). Anglistica & Americana 114. Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1972. view record
  • Casas, Cristóbal de las . Vocabulario de las dos lenguas toscana y castellana. Ed. A. David Kossoff. Madrid: Ediciones Itsmo para Wareham Imprints, 1988. view record
  • Nebrija, Antonio de. [Dictionarium latino-hispanicum et vice versa hispanico-latinum ... Ad haec dictionarium propriorum nominum]. 3 vols. [Granatae]: Antonn Nebrissensis, 1567. view record
  • Barret, Robert. The Theorike and Practike of Moderne Warres. London, 1598. The English experience, no. 155. Amsterdam: Da Capo Press, 1969. view record