Richard Verstegan, A Restitution of Decayed Intelligence (1605)

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Richard Rowlands (alternate name for Richard Verstegan ) Note: 13/10/2005
Book title
A Restitvtion of Decayed Intelligence: In antiquities. Concerning the most noble and renowmed English nation
Publication place
Robert Bruney
Transcription source
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum facsimile (Bodleian Library)
Text type
printed book
Proper and place name indexes
Subject area
  • antiquities
  • Old English
  • proper name
(a) "Of the Great Antiqvitie of ovr Ancient English Tovng; and of the proprietie, woorthynes and amplytude thereof. With an explanation of sundry our moste ancient English woords" (chapter 7, pp. 188-240)
(b) "The Etymologies of the Ancient Saxon Proper Names of men and women" (chapter 8, pp. 241-76)
(c) "How by the Svrnames of the Families of England, it may be decerned from whence they take their originalles, to wit, whether from the ancient English-Saxons, or from the Danes or Normannes" (chapter 9, pp. 277-312)
(d) "Of ovr Ancient English Tytles of Honor Dignities, and offices, and what they signify. Also the signification of our English names of disgrace or contempt" (chapter 10, pp. 313-38)
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: topical
type: headword
sample: Eorthbisung / or Earthbiuing. An earth-trembling, an earthquake.
1605 R
Petti, A. G. "A Bibliography of the Writings of Richard Verstegan (c. 1550-1641)." Recusant History 7.2 (1963): 82-103. view record
Other editions
1628: STC 21362 (Alston III.i.124); 1634: STC 21363 (Alston III.i.125); 1653: Wing V269 (Alston III.i.126); 1655: Wing V270 (Alston III.i.127); 1673: Wing V271 (Alston III.i.128)
Verstegan, Richard, and Richard (aka) Rowland. A Restitution of Decayed Intelligence / Richard Rowlands . English experience, no. 952. Amsterdam: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, `979. view record
Modern editions
Petti, Anthony G., ed. The Letters and Despatches of Richard Verstegan (c.1550-1640). Publications of the Catholic Record Society, vol. LII. London: n.p., 1959. view record
Alison, A. F. "A Group of Political Tracts, 1621-1623, by Richard Verstegan." Recusant History 18.2 (1986): 128-42. view record
Petti, A. G. "Additions to the Richard Verstegan Canon." Recusant History 8.5 (1966): 288-93. view record
Goepp, Philip H., II. "Verstegan's `Most Ancient Saxon Words'." Philologica: The Malone Anniversary Studies. Eds. Thomas A. Kirby and Henry Bosley Woolf. Baltimore: n.p., 1949. 249-55. view record
Bremmer, Rolf H. Jr. "The Anglo-Saxon Pantheon according to Richard Verstegan (1605)." The Recovery of Old English: Anglo-Saxon Studies in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, 2001. 141-72. view record
Hamilton, Donna B. "Richard Verstegan's A Restitution of Decayed Intelligence (1605): A Catholic Antiquarian Replies to John Foxe, Thomas Cooper, and Jean Bodin." Prose Studies 22.1 (1999): 1-38. view record
Windross, Michael. "Language, Earth and Water in Richard Verstegan's Restitution of Decayed Intelligence (1605) and Nederlantsche Antiquiteyten (1613)." Dutch Crossing: A Journal of Low Countries Studies 24.1 (2000 Summer): 67-95. view record
Clement, Richard W. "Richard Verstegan's Reinvention of Anglo-Saxon England: A Contribution from the Continent." Reinventing the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Constructions of the Medieval and Early Modern Periods . Arizona studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, vol. 1. Turnhout: Brepols, 1998. 19-36. view record