Thomas Wilson, A Christian Dictionary (1612)

Full Text
Book title
A Christian Dictionarie, Opening the signification of the chiefe wordes dispersed generally through Holie Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, tending to increase Christian knowledge. Whereunto is annexed: A perticular Dictionary For the Reuelation of S. Iohn. For the Canticles, or Song of Salomon. For the Epistle to the Hebrues
Publication place
William Jaggard
Transcription source
EEBO/TCP transcription
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
There are four parts: the main dictionary (754 pp.); the dictionary for the Book of Revelation (131 pp.); the dictionary for the Song of Solomon (49 pp.); and the dictionary for the epistle unto the Hebrews.
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: Damnation. sig: THe Sentence of Damnation giuen foorth against one. Reuel. 17, 1. I will shewe thee the Damnation of the great Whore, that is; her Damnatory Sentence. 2 Temporall chastisement. 1. Cor. 11, 25. They eate their owne Damnation, that is; by their vnreuerent eating, they procure vnto themselues Temporall corrections, such as are named Verse 30. Weaknesse, Sicknesse, &c. Luke 23, 40. 3 Eternall and extreame paines of the Reprobate in hell. Math. 23, 14. And they shall haue the greater Damnation. 2. Pet. 2, 4.
Kennedy, Arthur Garfield. A Bibliography on Writings on the English Language from the Beginning of Printing to the End of 1922. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1927. 6724 (4th edn.), 6732 (7th). view record
Smith, Wilbur M. "A Bibliography of Biblical, Ecclesiastical and Theological Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Published in Great Britain and America." Fuller Library Bulletin 20-23 (1953 October -- 1954 September): 3-30. 28-29 . view record
Other editions
1616: STC 25787 (Alston III.ii.627);
1622: STC 25788 (Alston III.ii.628);
1630?: STC 25789 (continued by John Bagwell; Alston III.ii.629);
1647: Wing W2940 (Alston III.ii.630);
1655: Wing W2943 (Alston III.ii.631);
1661: Wing W2944 (enlarged and revised by Andrew Simson; EEBO/TCP transcription: Alston III.ii.632);
1678: Wing W2945 (Alston III.ii.633)
Osselton, N. E. "English Specialized Lexicography in the Late Middle Ages and in the Renaissance." Fachsprachen. Languages for Special Purposes. Eds. L. Hoffman and others. 2 vols. Vol. II. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1998. 2458-65. view record
Curtin, Kathleen. "Jacobean Congregations and Controversies in Thomas Wilson's Christian Dictionary (1612)." Seventeenth Century 25.2 (Autumn 2010): 197-214. view record