Edward Wright, The Description and Use of the Sphere (1613)
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Edward Wright Note: 30/09/2005
Book title
The Description and vse of the Sphære Deuided into three principal Partes: Whereof The first intreateth especially of the circles of the vppermost moueable Sphære, and of the manifould vses of euery one of them seuerally: The second sheweth the plentifull Vse of the vppermost Sphære, and of the circles therof ioyntly: The third conteyneth the Description of the Orbes whereof the Sphæres of the sunne and moone haue beene supposed to be made, with their motions and vses
Publication place
John Tap
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
- cosmography and astrology
- mathematics
Chapter 8 is "The definitions of certaine Astronomicall wordes of art, for the better vnderstanding of the Theorick of the same" (pp. 79-81); and Chapter 9 is "The definitions of certaine astronomicall wordes of art, for the better vnderstanding of the theorick of the Moone" (pp. 92-94). Logical definitions also appear in other places of the book.
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: 9. The æquation, or prosthaphæresis of the sun is nothing els but the arch of the ecliptick conteyned betwene the true, & middle places of the sun. (p. 80)
sample: 9. The æquation, or prosthaphæresis of the sun is nothing els but the arch of the ecliptick conteyned betwene the true, & middle places of the sun. (p. 80)
Other editions
1627: STC 26022
Wright, Edward. The Description and Use of the Sphaere. The English experience, no. 136. Amsterdam and New York: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum and Da Capo Press, 1969. view record
Morris, W. F. "Edward Wright and his Work." Imago mundi 3 (1939): 67-71. view record