William Bedwell, Mohammedis Imposturae (1615)
Full Text
Lexicon title
The Arabian Trvdgman, That is, Certaine Arabicke Termes, As Names of places, titles of honour, dignitie, and office, &c.
oft vsed by writers and historians of later times: Interpreted and expounded according to their nature and true etymologie: And approoued by the iudgement of the best Authors
Book title
Mohammedis imposturae: that is, A discouery of the manifold forgeries, falshoods, and horrible impieties of the blasphemous seducer Mohammed with a demonstration of the insufficiencie of his law, contained in the cursed Alkoran; deliuered in a conference had betweene two Mohametans, in their returne from Mecha. Written long since in Arabicke, and now done into English by William Bedwell. Whereunto is annexed the Arabian trudgman, interpreting certaine Arabicke termes vsed by historians: together with an index of the chapters of the Alkoran, for the vnderstanding of the confutations of that booke.
Publication place
Richard Field
Transcription source
Henry E. Huntington Library 60074
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
Wright says that Bedwell left a manuscript at his death (346)
headwords: Arabic
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: GEZIRA, or Giesera, signifieth, as Leo testifieth, an Iland. Herehence do many and sundry places take their denomination, as Gezirat Eldeheb, Insula aurea, in Egypt.
sample: GEZIRA, or Giesera, signifieth, as Leo testifieth, an Iland. Herehence do many and sundry places take their denomination, as Gezirat Eldeheb, Insula aurea, in Egypt.
1615 B
Other editions
1624: STC 17995.5 (Bodleian 4oB.42 Art. Seld.; John Selden's copy of the 1615 edition with marginalia)
Hamilton, Alastair. William Bedwell the Arabist, 1563-1632. Publications of The Sir Thomas Browne Institute, New Series, no. 5. Leiden: E. J. Brill, for the Sir Thomas Browne Institute, 1985. view record
Salmon, Vivian. Language and Society in Early Modern England: Selected Essays 1981-1994. Ed. Konrad Koerner. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1996. 194-211. view record
Hamilton, A. "The Victims of Progress: the Raphelengius Arabic Type and Bedwell's Arabic Lexicon." Liber amicorum Léon Voet. Ed. F. de Nave. n.p.: n.p., 1985. view record
Salmon, Vivian. Language and Society in Early Modern England: Selected Essays 1981-1994. Ed. Konrad Koerner. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1996. 194-211. view record
Hamilton, A. "The Victims of Progress: the Raphelengius Arabic Type and Bedwell's Arabic Lexicon." Liber amicorum Léon Voet. Ed. F. de Nave. n.p.: n.p., 1985. view record