John Minsheu, Vocabularium Hispanicolatinum (1617)

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John Minsheu Note: 12/10/2005
Book title
Vocabvlarivm Hispanicolatinvm Et Anglicum copiosissimum, cum nonnullis vocum millibus locupletatum, ac cum Lingæ Hispanicæ Etymologijs, Originationibus, Rationibus, & Deriuationibus, vt sub Nomine, Naturam, Proprietatem, Conditionem, Effectum, Materiam, Formam vel finem rerum rectè nosse queas, & relatum in Minshæi Dictionarium Etymologicum vndecim Linguarum, per numeros Arithmeticos, quorum prior Paginam, posterior numerum vocabulorum primitiuorum in ipso contentorum denotat, vt etiam Etymologias aliarum decim scire possis. Opera, Studio, Industria, labore et sumptibus Iohannis Minshæi in lucem editum et impressum. A Most Copiovs Spanish Dictionarie With Latine And English (and sometime other Languages) and enlarged with diuers thousands of Words, with the Etymologies, that is, the Reasons and Deriuations of all, or most part of Words in the Spanish Tongue, that vnder the Name, the Nature, the Propertie, Qualitie, Condition, Effect, Matter, Forme, Fashion or end of things are directly described: Also referred in Minshev his Etymologicall Dictionary of eleuen Languages, by figures; whereof the first shewes the Page, and the second the number of Primitiue Words in the same Dictionarie contained, that you may also see the Etymologies of the other tenne Tongues
Publication place
Ioannem Browne
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
headwords: Spanish
explanations: English
other languages: Latin
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: Salve. A. God saue you, vsed a shipboord for setting the watch or clearing the glasse.
Kennedy, Arthur Garfield. A Bibliography on Writings on the English Language from the Beginning of Printing to the End of 1922. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1927. 2774. view record
Other editions
1623: STC 19621, -21a, -21b, -21b.5 (see LEME 344)
Minsheu, John. Ductor in linguas (Guide into the tongues) and Vocabularium hispanicolatinum (1617) / John Minsheu; a facsimile reproduction . Delmar, N.Y.: Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints, 1978. view record
Messner, Dieter. "L'Étymologie portugaise selon John Minsheu (1617) [Portuguese Etymology according to John Minsheu (1617)]." Linguistica 32 (1992): 213-19. view record
Salmon, Vivian. "Some Notes on the Life and Work of John Minsheu (1560-1627)." Historiographia linguistica 30.3 (2003): 259-72. view record
Lenz, Katja and Ruth M&ol;hlig, eds. "John Minsheu, Polymath and Poseur: Old English in an Early Seventeenth-century Dictionary." Of Diuersitie & Chaunge of Langage: Essays Presented to Manfred Görlach on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 2002. 144-56. view record
Fernández Urdaneta, Heberto H. "Dictionaries and Vocabularies in Spanish and English from 1554 to 1740: Their Structure and Development." Ph.D. dissertation (Université de Montréal). Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 68.12 (2008 (June)): 5050. 229-79. view record