Alexander Gil, Logonomia Anglica (1619)

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Alexander Gill (alternate name for Alexander Gil ) Note: 30/09/2005
Book title
Logonomia Anglica. QVa Gentis Sermo Facilivs Addiscitvr
Publication place
Iohannes Beale
Text type
printed book
Subject area
  • grammar
  • Latin
  • pronunciation
Phonetic spelling of English words in a grammar written in Latin
type: alphabetical
type: other
sample: Peculiare etiam Anglis est, per ch eum sonum exprimere quem Itali per c, in piacevole: ita enim et nos efferimus a chaire cathedra, a cherry cerasum, a chin mentum, chosen electus, a, um; to chuse eligo. (p. 2)
Kennedy, Arthur Garfield. A Bibliography on Writings on the English Language from the Beginning of Printing to the End of 1922. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1927. 5707. view record
Other editions
1621: STC 11874 (Alston I.4);
British Library Sloane MS 3722, fols. 22r-71v (Gil's miscellaneous tracts) and fols. 71v ff. (Latin treatise dated July 7, 1605)
Gill, Alexander. Logonomia Anglica, 1621. English linguistics, 1500-1800, no. 68. Menston: Scolar Press, 1968. view record
Modern editions
Gill, Alexander. Alexander Gill's Logonomia Anglica (1619). Eds. Bror Danielsson and Arvid Gabrielson. Trans. R. C. Alston. Stockholm Studies in English 26. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1972. view record
Gill, Alexander. Alexander Gill's Logonomia anglica. Nach der ausgabe von 1621 diplomatisch hrsg. von Otto L. Jiriczek. Ed. Otto Luitpold Jiriczek. Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germanischen Völker, 90. Strassburg: K. J. Trübner, 1903. view record
Brinsley, John. A Consolation for our Grammar Schools. n.p.: n.p., 1622. 77. view record
Jiriczek, Otto L. "Alexander Gill's Logonomia Anglica." Anglia Beiblatt 15.8 (): 230-33. view record
Holthausen, F. Lit. Cbl. 55 (): 931-32. view record
Horn, W. Lit bl. 25 (): 324-26. view record
Jespersen, O. Engl. Stud. 34 (): 84-86. view record
Jiriczek, Otto L., ed. "Zu Gills Logonomia Anglica." Archiv 112 (1904): 394. view record
Jiriczek, Otto L. "Alexander Gill." Studien zur vergleichenden Litteraturgeschichte. Berlin: n.p., 1902. 129-45. view record
Jiriczek, Otto L. "Alexander Gills Logonomia Anglica. Nach der ausgabe von 1621 diplomatisch hrsg." Quellen und Forschungen 90 (1903): view record
Kökeritz, Helge. "Alexander Gill (1621) on the Dialects of South and East England." Studia Neophilologica 11 (1938-39): 277-88. view record
Luick, K. "Alexander Gills Logonomia Anglica." Archiv 115 (): 230-34. view record
Gabrielson, Arvid. "A Few Notes on Gill's Logonomia Anglica, 1619." Studia Neophilologica 14 (1941-42): 331-39. view record
Dons, Ute. Descriptive Adequacy of Early Modern English Grammars. Topics in English Linguistics 47. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2004. 9-10. view record