John Smith, A Sea Grammar (1627)
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John Smith Note: 14/10/2005
Book title
A Sea Grammar, With The Plaine Exposition of Smiths Accidence for young Sea-men, enlarged. Diuided into fifteene Chapters: what they are you may partly conceiue by the Contents
Publication place
John Haviland
Transcription source
EEBO/TCP transcription and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum facsimile (Maritiem Museum `Prins Hendrik')
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
navigation and the sea
Prose chapters on sailing that explain technological terms appearing in the margins.
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
number: 14
number: 14
type: headword
number: 528
sample: Sleepers. The sleepers run before and after on each side the keeleson, on the floore well bolted to the Foot-hookes, which being thus bound doe strengthen each other.
number: 528
sample: Sleepers. The sleepers run before and after on each side the keeleson, on the floore well bolted to the Foot-hookes, which being thus bound doe strengthen each other.
1611 B
Kennedy 8634, 8636 (1653)
Craig 2
Other editions
1652-53: Wing S4123;
1691: Wing S4124;
1692: Wing S4125;
1699: Wing S4126
1691: Wing S4124;
1692: Wing S4125;
1699: Wing S4126
Chapel Hill (1986) F 229 S59 1986 Smith, John. A Sea Grammar, with the Plaine Exposition of Smiths Accidence for young Seamen, enlarged. Amsterdam and New York: Da Capo Press and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1968. view record
Smith, John. A Sea-Grammar. Ed. K. Goell. London: Michael Joseph, 1970. view record
Smith, John. A Sea-Grammar. Ed. K. Goell. London: Michael Joseph, 1970. view record
Modern editions
The generall historie of Virginia ... and a sea grammar. Glasgow, 1907. II, 209-99. Smith, John. The Complete Works of Captain John Smith (1580-1631). Ed. Philip L. Barbour. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1986. view record
Smith, John. Travels and Works of Captain John Smith. Ed. Edward Arber. 2 vols. Edinburgh: J. Grant, 1910. view record
Smith, John. Travels and Works of Captain John Smith. Ed. Edward Arber. 2 vols. Edinburgh: J. Grant, 1910. view record
Laughton 88
Maclehose, ed. John Smith's Travels. II. 1907.
Barbour, Philip L. "The Earliest Reconnaissance of the Chesapeake Bay Area: Captain John Smith's Map and Indian Vocabulary." The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 79-80 (1971-72): 280-302, 21-51. view record Osselton, N. E. "English Specialized Lexicography in the Late Middle Ages and in the Renaissance." Fachsprachen. Languages for Special Purposes. Eds. L. Hoffman and others. 2 vols. Vol. II. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1998. 2458-65. view record
Barbour, P. L. . "Captain John Smith's Sea Grammar and its Debt to Sir Henry Mainwaring's `Seaman's Dictionary'." Mariner's Mirror 58.1 (1972): 93-101. view record