Johann Amos Comenius, Porta Linguarum Trilinguis Reserata et Aperta (1631)

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Book title
Porta Lingvarvm Trilingvis Reserata Et Aperta ... The Gate of Tongves Vnlocked and Opened. Or else A Seminarie or seed-plot of all Tongues and Sciences. That is, A short way of teaching and thorowly learning within a yeare and a halfe at the farthest, The Latin, English, French, (and any other) tongue, together with the ground and foundation of Arts and Sciences, comprised vnder an hundred Titles, and a thousand periods. In Latine first, And now as a token of thankfulnesse brought to light in Latine, English, and French, In the behalfe of the most Illustrious Prince Charles, and of British, French, and Irish youth
Publication place
George Miller
Michael Sparkes and Thomas Slater
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
  • French
  • grammar
  • Latin
Latin, English and French versions of the same sentence
headwords: Latin
explanations: English
other languages: French
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: SAlue Lector amice. GOD saue thee louing Reader. DIEV te gard amy Lecteur. (p. 1)
Alston XV.914
Kennedy, Arthur Garfield. A Bibliography on Writings on the English Language from the Beginning of Printing to the End of 1922. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1927. 2462-64 . view record
Other editions
1631: STC 15078.5, -78a (Alston XV.915-16);
1633: STC 15079, -79.5 (Alston XV.917-18; see LEME 368);
1636: STC 15077.3 (Latin translated into English by Thomas Horne; Alston XV.919);
1637: STC 15080 (Alston XV.920);
1638: STC 15081, -77.5 (Alston XV.921-22);
1640: STC 15077.7, -81.5, -81.7 (Alston XV.923-25);
1641: Wing C5511 (Alston XV.926);
1643: Wing C5512 (Alston XV.927);
1647: Wing C5513 (Alston XV.928);
1650: Wing C5514 (Alston XV.929);
1652: Wing C5515 (Alston XV.930);
1656: Wing C5521 (Alston XV.931);
1659: Wing C5516 (Alston XV.932);
1662: Wing C5518 (Alston XV.933);
1664: Wing C5516aA (Alston XV.934);
1665: Wing C5518A (Alston XV.935);
1667: Wing C5516A (Alston XV.936);
1670: Wing C5509 (Alston XV.937);
1673: Wing C5517 (Alston XV.938);
1674: Wing C5510 (Alston XV.939);
1685: Wing C5520 (Alston XV.940)
Comenius, Johann Amos. Porta Linguarum, Trilinguis Reserata. English linguistics, 1500-1800, no. 250. Menston: Scolar Press, 1970. view record
Cram, David, and J. Maat. "Comenius, Dalgarno and the English translations of the Janua Linguarium." Studia Comeniana et Historica 55-56 (1996 [1999]): 148-60. view record
DeMott, Benjamin. "Comenius and the Real Character in England." Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 70.5 (1955 December): 1068-81. view record
Hüllen, Werner. English Dictionaries 800-1700: The Topical Tradition. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999. 383-92 . view record
Salmon, Vivian. Language and Society in Early Modern England: Selected Essays 1981-1994. Ed. Konrad Koerner. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1996. 15. view record