Anonymous, Banckes's Herbal (1525)

Full Text
25 March 1525
Book title
Here begynnyth a newe mater / the whiche is sheweth and treateth of the vertues & proprytes of herbes / the whiche is called an Herball
Publication place
Rycharde Banckes
Transcription source
EEBO (British Library)
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
headwords: Latin or English
explanations: English or Latin
explanations: English or Latin
The text is set in one font, black letter, which does not distinguish one language from another.
fol. 72
type: alphabetical
number: 21
type: headword
number: 206
sample: ¶ Artamasia.
¶ This herbe is called Mugworte. The vertue of this
herbe is thus. If a man bere this herbe aboute hym/he
shall not be wery of traueylynge in his waye. Also yf
this herbe be powned with talow/it heleth the sorenesse
of mannes fete/and akynge also. And yf it be within a
howse/there shall no wycked spyryte abyde. Also yf this
herbe bestamped/and tempered with rennynge water/
it heleth the akynge of a mannes guttes / & many other
euylles. This herbe is ote and dry.
Henrey, Blanche. British Botanical and Horticultural Literature before 1800: Comprising a History and Bibliography of Botanical and Horticultural Books Printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland from the Earliest Times until 1800. 2 vols. London: Oxford University Press, 1975. No. 172 view record
Other editions
1526: STC 13175.2 (Alston XVII.I.2);
1537?: STC 13175.4 (Alston XVII.I.3);
1539?: STC 13175.5 (Alston XVII.I.4);
1540?: STC 13175.6 (Alston XVII.I.5);
1541?: STC 13175.7 (Alston XVII.I.6);
1541: STC 13175.8 (Alston XVII.I.7);
1543?: STC 13175.8c (Alston XVII.I.8; see Johnson 1944);
1546: STC 13175.4 (Alston XVII.I.9);
1547?: STC 13175.11 (Alston XVII.I.10);
1548?: STC 13175.12 (Alston XVII.I.11);
1550: STC 13175.13 (Alston XVII.I.12);
1552?: STC 13175.13c (Alston XVII.I.13);
1552?: STC 13175.15 (Alston XVII.I.14);
1552?: STC 13175.15a (Alston XVII.I.15);
1555?: STC 13175.16 (Alston XVII.I.16);
1555?: STC 13175.17 (Alston XVII.I.17);
1555?: STC 13175.17 (Alston XVII.I.18);
1559?: STC 13175.18 (Alston XVII.I.19);
1561?: STC 13175.19 (Alston XVII.I.20);
1567?: STC 13175.19c (Alston XVII.I.21)
Banckes, Richard. An Herbal (1525): Facsimile Repr. of Richard Banckes's Herbal of 1525. Eds. Sanford V. Larkey and Thomas Pyles. Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints. New York: n.p., 1941. view record
Arber, Agnes. Herbals: Their Origin and Evolution: A Chapter in the History of Botany, 1470-1670. 1912. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1938. 38-40. view record
Best, Michael R. "Medical Use of a Sixteenth-century Herbal: Gervase Markham and the Banckes Herbal." Bulletin of the History of Medicine 53.3 (1979 Fall): 449-58. view record
Johnson, Francis R. "A Newe Herball of Macer and Banckes's Herball." Bulletin of the History of Medicine 15 (1944): 246-60. view record