William Robertson, The Second Gate or the Inner Door to the Holy Tongue being a Compendious Hebrew Lexicon or Dictionary (1655)
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William Robertson Note: 13/10/2005
Book title
Sha'ar ha-sheni o petah ha-penimi el leshon ha-kodesh. The Second Gate, Or The Inner Door to the Holy Tongue. Being a compendious Hebrew Lexicon or Dictionary; in which all the Roots and Primitive words in the Bible, both Hebrew and Chaldee, are orderly set down, and numbred, and their significations expressed, in each several conjugation, wherein they are found extant in the Bible; with all the derivative nouns, and their significations taken from the Roots; together with so much praxis, or so many places of the Hebrew Text, so easily resolved in English, and with such easie directions for learning the Language, as that any knowing Christian, Man or Woman, of ordinary capacity, making use of the former Grammar, and this Dictionary, with the praxis joined to both, may learn to read and understand the Hebrew Bible; and that without a Teacher
Publication place
Evan Tyler
Humphrey Robinson
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
headwords: Hebrew
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: [Lamentations 3] V.44. [Hebrew] saccota, (see it in the former verse) begnanan lach, Thou hast covered thy self with a cloud. [Hebrew] be, in by, with, &c. [Hebrew] gnanan, a cloud, in [Hebrew], 75. [Hebrew] lach, for [Hebrew] lecha, thee, to thee, thy self, &c. (p. 472)
sample: [Lamentations 3] V.44. [Hebrew] saccota, (see it in the former verse) begnanan lach, Thou hast covered thy self with a cloud. [Hebrew] be, in by, with, &c. [Hebrew] gnanan, a cloud, in [Hebrew], 75. [Hebrew] lach, for [Hebrew] lecha, thee, to thee, thy self, &c. (p. 472)
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