James Cooke, Supplementum Chirurgiae or the Supplement to the Marrow of Chyrurgery (1655)
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Book title
Supplementum Chirurgiae Or The Supplement To the Marrow of Chyrurgerie. Wherein Is contained Fevers, Simple and Compound, Pestilential, and not, Rickets, Small Pox and Measles, with their Definitions, Causes, Signes, Prognosticks, and Cures, both general, and particular. As also the military chest, containing all necessary medicaments, fit for Sea, or Land-service, whether Simples, or Compounds, such as purge, and those that do not; with their several vertues, doses, note of goodness, &c as also instruments. Amongst which are many Approved Receipts for several diseases
Publication place
John Sherley
Text type
printed book
Subject area
A treatise, although without glossary or tables, explains diseases in chapters
headwords: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: Chap. II. Of the small Pox and Measles.
THese being contagious and killing many, are fitly referr'd to maligne and pestilential Feavers. The first are pustles, coming to ripenesse. The second are small tubercles with intense rednesse, like an erysipelas, which within five or seven days are diuscussed without maturating, both these are accompanied with a continual Feaver; these have their companions, of which hereafter. (pp. 260-61)
sample: Chap. II. Of the small Pox and Measles.
THese being contagious and killing many, are fitly referr'd to maligne and pestilential Feavers. The first are pustles, coming to ripenesse. The second are small tubercles with intense rednesse, like an erysipelas, which within five or seven days are diuscussed without maturating, both these are accompanied with a continual Feaver; these have their companions, of which hereafter. (pp. 260-61)
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