John Garfield, A Physical Dictionary (1657)

Full Text
Lexicon title
A Physical Dictionary: Or, An Interpretation of such crabbed Words and Terms of Art, as are deriv'd from the Greek and Latin, used in Physick, Anatomy, Chyrurgery, and Chimistry. With a definition of most Diseases incident to the Body of Man; and a description of the Marks and Characters used by Doctors in their Receipts
Book title
A Medicinal Dispensatory, Containing The whole Body of Physick: Discovering The Natures, Properties, and Vertues of Vegetables, Minerals, & Animals: The manner of Compounding Medicaments, and the way to administer them. Methodically digested in Five Books of Philosophical and Pharmaceutical Institutions; Three Books of Physical Materials Galenical and Chymical. Together with a most Perfect and Absolute Pharmacopoea or Apothecaries Shop. Accommodated with three useful Tables
Publication place
Jo. Streater and James Cottrel [Renou]; G. Dawson [Dict.]
Henry Fletcher [Renou]; John Garfield [Dict.]
Transcription source
STC microfilms (Cambridge University Library)
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
  • chemistry
  • medicine
The running-title is "A Physical Dictionary for Raenodaeus Dispensatory in English", by J. Renou. The Physical Dictionary is separately paginated and can also be found in Lazare Rivière's The Compleat Practice of Physick (1655).
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
A1r-O2v (dictionary)
type: alphabetical
number: 23
type: headword
number: 1732
XVII.I.246 (cf. XVII.I.230)
R1037A, P2143
Other editions
1657: Wing R1037C (Alston XVII.I.247);
1657: Wing R1037 (Alston XVII.I.248, 250);
1657: Wing R1037B (Alston XVII.I.249);
1657: not in Wing (Alston XVII.I.250)
Cooper, William. William Cooper's A Catalogue of Chymicall Books, 1673-88: A Verified Edition. Ed. Stanton J. Linden. New York and London: Garland, 1987. 83. view record
Tyrkkö, Jukka . "A Physical Dictionary (1657): The First English Medical Dictionary." Selected Proceedings of the 2008 Symposium on New Approaches in English Historical Lexis (HEL-LEX 2). Eds. R. W. McConchie, Alpo Honkapohja, and Jukka Tyrkkö. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 2009. 60-73. view record
  • Renodaeus, Joannes. A Medicinal Dispensatory, Containing the Whole Body of Physick. Trans. R. Tomlinson. London: J. Streter and James Cottrel, 1657. view record