William Somner, Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum (1659)

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William Somner Note: 14/10/2005
Book title
Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum voces, phrasesque praecipuas Anglo-Saxonicas, e libris, sive manuscriptis, sive typis excusis, aliisque monumentis tum publicis tum privatis, magna diligentia collectas, cum Latina et opera & studio Guliel. Somneri ... ; accesserunt AElfrici abbatis Grammatica Latino-Saxonica, cum Glossario suo ejusdem generis
Publication place
William Hall
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
  • Latin
  • Old English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
S 4663
Madan 2458
Other editions
Somner's Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum (Canterbury Cathedral Archives MSS E. 20-21);
Old English-English Glossary (Canterbury Cathedral Archives MSS. C.9-10), perhaps an early draft of E.20-21;
Phillipps MS. 9308: "Somner's Saxon Dictionary printed & interleaved with MSS. notes. fol. ch. s. xvii. p. rus. T. 1141" (p. 147);
Thomas Benson, Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum (1701)
Menston: Scolar (1970) PE 275 S6 1659a; E-10 935 Fisher Library Somner, William. Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum, 1659. English linguistics, 1500-1800, no. 247. Menston: Scolar Press, 1970. view record
  • White Kennett, "The Life of Mr. Somner," A Treatise of the Roman Ports and Forts in Kent. By William Somner (Oxford, 1693): 1-118.
  • DNB 18: 668-69.
  • Marckwardt, A. H., "Nowell's Vocabularium Saxonicum and Somner's Dictionarium," PQ 26 (1947): 345-51.
  • Yerkes, David, "Dugdale's dictionary and Somner's Dictionarium," English Language Notes 14.2 (1976): 110-12.
Hetherington, M. Sue. The Beginnings of Old English Lexicography. Spicewood, Texas: n.p., 1980. 125-182. view record
Joan, (Sister) Mary. "Minsheu's `Guide into the Tongues' and Somner's `Dictionarium'." Mediaeval Studies 24 (1962): 375-77. view record
Kennett, White. "The Life of Mr. Somner." A Treatise of the Roman Ports and Forts in Kent. By William Somner. Oxford: n.p., 1693. 1-118. view record
Lutz, Angelika. "Zur Entstehungsgeschichte von William Somners Dictionarium Saxino-Latino-Anglicum." Anglia 106.1 (1988): 1-25. view record
Parry, Graham. "An Incipient Medievalist in the Seventeenth Century: William Somner of Canterbury ." Studies in Medievalism 9 (1997): 58-65. view record
Yerkes, David. "Dugdale's Dictionary and Somner's Dictionarium." English Language Notes 14.2 (1976 December): 110-12. view record
Lowe, Kathryn A. "'The Oracle of His Countrey'? William Somner, Gavelkind, and Lexicography in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries." The Recovery of Old English: Anglo-Saxon Studies in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Ed. Timothy Graham. Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, 2000. 281-300. view record
Lowe, Kathryn A. "William Somner, S 1622, and the Editing of Old English Charters." Neophilologus 83.2 (1999 April): 291-97. view record
Cook, Sister Mary Joan. Developing techniques in Anglo-Saxon scholarship in the seventeenth century: as they appear in the Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum of William Somner. Doctoral Dissertation. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1962. view record
  • Marckwardt, Albert H. "Nowell's Vocabularium Saxonicum and Somner's Dictionarium." Philological Quarterly 26.4 (1947 October): 345-51. view record