George Fox, A Battle-door for Teachers and Professors to Learn Singular and Plural (1660)
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Book title
A Battle-Door For Teachers & Professors To Learn Singular & Plural; You to Many, and Thou to One: Singular One, Thou; Plural Many, You. Wherein is shewed forth by Grammar, or Scripture Examples, how several Nations and People have made a distinction between Singular and Plural. And first, In the former part of this Book, Called The English Battle-Door, may be seen how several People have spoken Singular and Plural; As the Apharsathkites, the Tarpelites, the Apharsites, the Archevites, the Babylonians, the Susanchites, the Dehavites, the Elamites, the Temanites, the Naomites, the Shuites, the Buzites, the Moabites, the Hivites, the Edomites, the Philistines, the Amalekites, the Sodomites, the Hittites, the Midianites, &c. Also, In this Book is set forth Examples of the Singular and Plural, about Thou, and You, in several Languages, divided into distinct Battle-Doors, or Formes, or Examples; English, Latine, Italian, Greek, Hebrew, Caldee, Syriack, Arabick, Persiack, Ethiopick, Samaritan, Coptick, or Egyptick. Armenian, Saxon, Welch, Mence, Cornish, French, Spanish, Portugal, High-Dutch, Low-Dutch, Danish, Bohemian, Slavonian: And how Emperors and others have used the Singular word to One; and how the word You came first from the Pope. Likewise some Examples, in the Polonian, Lithvanian, Irish and East-Indian, together with the Singular and Plural words, thou and you, in Sweedish, Turkish, Muscovian, and Curlandian, tongues. In the latter part of this Book are contained severall bad unsavoury Words, gathered forth of certain School-Books, which have been taught Boyes in England, which is a Rod and a Whip to the School-Masters in England and elsewhere who teach such Books
Publication place
Robert Wilson
Transcription source
EEBO/TCP transcript
Text type
printed book
Subject area
- Arabic
- Chaldee
- Cornish
- Danish
- Dutch
- Ethiopian
- French
- Greek
- Hebrew
- Irish
- Italian
- Latin
- Old English
- Persian
- Portuguese
- Slavic
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Syriac
- Turkish
- Welsh
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: Singular Chee deane
Thou Man
sample: Singular Chee deane
Thou Man
Plural Why Teesse
You Men [Cornish]
F 1751
PE 1216 F68 1660A Robarts Fox, George, John Stubs, and Benjamin Benjamin. A Battle-door for Teachers & Professors to Learn
Singular & Plural, 1660
. English linguistics, 1500-1800, no. 115. Menston: Scolar Press, 1968. view record