Thomas Elyot, The Dictionary of Sir Thomas Elyot (1538)

Full Text
Book title
The Dictionary of syr Thomas Eliot knyght
Publication place
Thomæ Bertheleti
Transcription source
Scolar Press facsimile (Bodleian Library). Also available in EEBO/TCP
Text type
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
(a) Table of Corrections; (b) A-Z; (c) Additions
headwords: Latin
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
Kennedy, Arthur Garfield. A Bibliography on Writings on the English Language from the Beginning of Printing to the End of 1922. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1927. 2748-49. view record
Other editions
1542: STC 7659.5 (Bibliotheca Eliotæ. Eliotis librarie; Alston XV.489);
1545: STC 7660 (Alston XV.490);
1548: STC 7661 (Bibliotheca Eliotæ Eliotis librarie, comp. Thomas Cooper; Alston XV.491; LEME 63);
1552: STC 7662 (Alston XV.492);
1559: STC 7663 (Alston XV.493)
Elyot, Sir Thomas. Dictionary 1538. Menston: Scolar Press, 1970. view record
Modern editions
Starnes, De Witt Talmage. Renaissance Dictionaries, English-Latin and Latin-English. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1954. 45-67. view record
Bagley, Ayers. "English Dictionary Definitions of `Emblem' and `Device' from Elyot to Johnson." Emblematica 4.1 (1989 Spring): 177-99. view record
Blackwell, Constance W. T. "Creating Definitions for Words: the Ortus Vocabulorum (1500) versus Vives (1523) and Elyot (1538)." Italia ed Europa nella linguistica del Rinascimento: confronti e relazioni: atti del convegno internazionale, Ferrara, Palazzo Paradiso, 20-24 March 1991. Eds. Mirko Tavoni and others. 2 vols. Vol. II. Ferrara: Franco Cosimo Panini, 1996. 235-53. view record
Dees, Jerome M. "Recent Studies in Elyot." English Language Review 6.2 (1976): 336-44. view record
Foley, Stephen Merriam. "Coming to Terms: Thomas Elyot's Definitions and the Particularity of Human Letters." English Literary History 61.2 (1994 Summer): 211-30. view record
Foreman, Joel Edward. "The Contributions of Plato, Cicero and Quintilian to Sir Thomas Elyot's Theory of Language." Dissertation Abstracts International 36 (1976): 7383A-84A. view record
McCoy, S. J. The Language and Linguistic Interests of Sir Thomas Elyot. Ph.D. dissertation. n.p.: University of North Carolina, 1933. view record
Stein, Gabriele. "Forms of Definitions in Thomas Elyot's Dictionary." Kontinuität und Wandel. Aspekte einer praxisoffenen Anglistik. Festschrift für Leonard Alfes zum 8. Februar 1985. Siegen: n.p., 1985. 195-205. view record
Stein, Gabriele. "Definitions and First Person Pronoun Involvement in Thomas Elyot's Dictionary." Linguistics across Historical and Geographical Boundaries. Eds. Dieter Kastovsky and Aleksander Sawedek. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1986. 1465-74. view record
Plomer, Henry R. "Henry Bynneman, Printer, 1566-83." New Series. The Library 9 (1908 July): 225-44. view record
Stein, Gabriele. "London in Elyot's Dictionary (1538)." Notes and Queries 57.255 (2010 (September)): 339-41. view record
Stein, Gabriele. "The Linking of Lemma to Gloss in Elyot's Dictionary (1538)." Words in Dictionaries and History. Eds. Olga Timofeeva, Tanja Säily, and David Vancil. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2011. 55-78. view record
Stein, Gabriele. Sir Thomas Elyot as Lexicographer. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. view record
  • Calepinus, Ambrosius. Dictionarium ex optimis quibus authoribus. Argentoraci: J. Gru?ninger, 1510. view record