Anonymous, Medulla Grammatice (Pepys MS 2002) (ca. 1480)

Full Text
Not available
Lexicon title
Medulla Grammatice
Transcription source
Jeffrey F. Huntsman's transcription (1973) of Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Library MS 2002
Text type
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
Jeffrey F. Huntsman's transcription of a full version of a text that is first found in the late 14th-century and that survives in 14 complete versions, four incomplete versions, and four fragments (McCarren 2000: 342-45). A 16th-century hand has prefaced the MS with the note: "an excellent diccionary none better in prent: for the number of wordes contaynid". Latin glosses "idem" and "pertinens" point to the preceding word-entries.
headwords: Latin
explanations: English
explanations: English
Huntsman (1973: vii) identifies the English words in 56 percent of the word-entries as being of a "Northeast Midlands dialect, apparently the native dialect of both scribes."
Incipit liber intitulatus Medulla Gramatice
136 folios
type: alphabetical
number: 22
type: headword
number: 16907
sample: Mellifico as to make hony
James, M. R. "Mediaeval Manuscripts." Bibliotheca Pepysiana. Part I-II. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1923. 59. view record
Other editions
Bodleian Library, Holkham Hall MS Misc. 39 (mid-15th-cent.);
Bodleian Library Rawlinson MS 101 (15th-cent.);
Bodleian Library Rawlinson MS. D. 913 (15th-cent.);
Brasenose College, Oxford, UB S. 2.87-88 (mid-15th-cent. fragment);
Bristol University MS DM. 14 (incomplete version: 15th-cent.);
Bristol University MS DM. 1 (early 15th-cent. fragment; ed. McCarren, correcting Haworth);
British Library Additional MS 24,640 (incomplete version; mid-15th-cent.);
British Library Additional MS 33,534 (ca. 1460);
British Library Additional MS 37,789, fols. 84-174 (15th-cent. incomplete version; formerly Phillipps MS 8306);
British Library Harley MS 1000, fols. 1r-152v (incomplete version; late 15th-cent.);
British Library Harley MS 1738, fols. 1-81 (late 15th-cent., transribed by Florent A. Tremblay);
British Library Harley MS 2181, fols. 9-94 (late 15th-cent.);
British Library Harley MS 2257, "a gem of calligraphy and a mine of Latin, Greek, and Middle English linguistics" (McCarren 2000);
British Library Harley MS 2270, fols. 86-195 (late 15th-cent.);
Christ Church Cathedral Library, Canterbury, MS. D.2, with interlinear glosses by William Somner (ed. Marie Van Zandt-McCleary);
Downside Abbey MS 26540 (mid-15th-cent.);
Gloucestershire Record Office GDR/ZI/31 (early 15th-cent. fragment, edited by McCarren);
Lincoln Cathedral Library MS. 88, also known as A 3.15 (ca. 1400);
Lincoln Cathedral Library MS. 111, also known as A.4.19 (15th-cent.);
St. John's College, Cambridge, MS. 72 C.22 (December 16, 1468);
Shrewsbury School MS XVI (ca. 1450);
Stonyhurst College, Lancashire, MS A.1.10 (before 1425; discussed by Robert T. Meyer);
Phillipps MS 8244 (ca. 1480, according to Huntsman 1973); unlocated now)
Modern editions
Huntsman, Jeffrey Forrest, ed. "Pepys MS 2002 Medulla Grammatice: An Edition." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Texas at Austin. Dissertation Abstracts 73-26,020 34.5-6 (1973 May): view record
McCarren, Vincent. "Bristol University MS DM 1, a Fragment of the Medulla Grammatice: an Edition." Traditio 48 (1993): 173-235. view record
McCarren, Vincent P. "The Gloucester Manuscript of the Medulla grammatice: GDR/ ZI/31: An Edition." The Journal of Medieval Latin 10 (2000): 338-401. view record
Tremblay, Florent A., ed. The Latin-Middle English Glossary Medulla Grammatice. Ph.D. dissertation. n.p.: Catholic University of America, 1968. view record
Zandt-McCleary, J. Marie Van, ed. The Medulla Grammatice Latin-English Dictionary: A Diplomatic Transcription. Ph.D. dissertation. n.p.: University of Chicago, 1958. view record
McCarren, Vincent P. "Toward a Text of the Medulla Grammatice: Procedures and Prospects in Editing a 15th-century Glossary." Early Dictionary Databases. Eds. Ian Lancashire and T. Russon Wooldridge. CCH Working Papers 4. University of Toronto: Centre for Computing in the Humanities, 1994. 61-74. view record
Starnes, De Witt Talmage. Renaissance Dictionaries, English-Latin and Latin-English. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1954. 25-27. view record
Stein, Gabriele. The English Dictionary before Cawdrey. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1985. 74-90. view record
Huntsman, Jeffrey F. "Caveat Editor: Chaucer and Medieval English Dictionaries." Modern Philology 73.3 (1976 February): 276-79. view record
McCarren, Vincent P. "Form and Meaning in the Medulla Grammatice." Romance Languages Annual 4 (1992): 112-19. view record
McCarron, Vincent. "Linguistic Problems within the Tradition of the 15th Century Glossary Medulla grammatice." Bulletin Du Cange: Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi 60 (2002): 235-60. view record
  • Meyer, R. T. "The Relation of the Medulla to the Earlier English Glossaries." Papers on Lexicography in honor of Warren N. Cordell. Eds. James Edmund Congleton, John Edward Gates, and Donald Hobar. Terre Haute: Dictionary Society of North America, 1979. 141-50. view record
  • "Old English glossaries and the Medulla Grammatice ." Notes and Queries 61.4 (2014): 478-80. view record