Peter Bales, The Writing Schoolmaster (1590)
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Book title
The Writing Schoolemaster: Conteining three Bookes in one; The first, teaching Swift writing; The second, True writing; The third, Faire writing. The first Booke, Entituled; The Arte of Brachygraphie: that is, to write as fast as a man speaketh treatably, writing but one letter for a word: Verie commodious for the generall encrease and furtherance of learning in all Estates and degrees: the knowledge whereof may easilie be attained by one moneths studie, and the performance by one moneths practise. The proofe alreadie made by diuers Schollers therein. The second Booke: Named, The Order of Orthographie: shewing the perfect Method to write true Orthographie in our English tongue, as it is now generally printed, vsed, and allowed, of the best & most learned Writers: To be attained by the right vse of this Booke without a Schoolemaster, in short time, and with small paines, by your owne priuate studies. The Third Booke; is, The Key of Calygraphie: opening the readie waie to write faire in verie short time, by the obseruations of necessarie Rules here set downe, and by the imitation of the best examples that may be procured. Inuented by Peter Bales. 1. Ianu. 1590
Publication place
Thomas Orwin
Text type
printed book
Proper and place name indexes
Subject area
- proper name
- shorthand
(a) "The Table of the Christen or proper names of men and women now commonlie vsed";
(b) "The Table for Orthographie, and for the references of words, to the Table of Brachygraphie"
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
(a) e2r-e2v;
(b) e3r-q1v
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: (a) Abacuck
(b) ABay. defend.
sample: (a) Abacuck
(b) ABay. defend.
Carlton, William J. "Shorthand Books." Bibliotheca Pepysiana. Part IV. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1940. 7-12. view record