John Ray, A Collection of English Words not Generally Used (1674)

Full Text
John Wray (alternate name for John Ray ) Note: 12/10/2005
Francis Willughby
Book title
A Collection of English Words. Not Generally used, with their Significations and Original, in two Alphabetical Catalogues. The One of such as are proper to the Northern, the other to the Southern Counties. With Catalogues of English Birds and Fishes: And an Account of the preparing and refining such Metals as are gotten in England
Publication place
H. Bruges
T. Burrell
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
  • dialects (in English)
  • fauna
  • metallurgy
About 1000 items (700 of the North, 300 of the South and East); a Celtic glossary (pp. 122-30); and a Northumbrian glossary (pp. 139-52)
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: The Hause or the Hose: the throat: ab AS. Hals, collum. (p. 24; northern)
Newing: yeast or barm. Ess. (p. 73; south and east)
R 388
Other editions
1691: Wing R389. Enlarged.
1737: ESTC K10626
1742: ESTC K10627
Menston: Scolar Press, 1969. PE 1667 .R3 1691A ROBA 1 Ray, John. A Collection of English Words. English linguistics, 1500-1800, no. 145. Menston: Scolar Press, 1969. view record
  • Cram, D., "Birds, beasts and fishes versus bats, mongrels and hybrids: The publication history of John Ray's Dictionariolum," Paradigm 6 (1991): 4-7
  • Görlach (1995): 90
  • Linden (1987): 89
  • Luick, K., Anglia Beiblatt 39: 323-24.
Bately, Janet M. "Ray, Worlidge, and Kersey's Revision of The New World of English Words." Anglia 85 (1967): 1-14. view record
Luick, Karl. "Ein Bisher Unbeachtetes Zeugnis für den frühneuenglischen Lautwert des Vokals in use." Anglia Beiblatt 39 (): 323-24. view record
Raven, Charles E. John Ray, Naturalist, his Life and Works. 2nd edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1950. view record
Gladstone, Jo. "'New World of English Words': John Ray, FRS, the Dialect Protagonist, in the Context of His Times (1658-1691)." Language, Self, and Society: A Social History of Language. Eds. Peter Burke and Roy Porter. Cambridge, England: Polity Press, 1991. 115-53. view record
Baldwin, Stuart A. John Ray (1627-1705). Witham: n.p., 1986. view record
Keynes, Sir Geoffrey. John Ray, 1627-1705: A Bibliography 1660-1970: A Descriptive Bibliography of the Works of John Ray, English Naturalist, Philologist and Theologian. Amsterdam: G. Th. van Heusden, 1976. view record