Francis Holyoake, Dictionarium Etymologicum Latinum (1627)

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Francis Holyoake Note: 30/09/2005
John Rider Note: 13/10/2005
Book title
Dictionarivm Etymologicvm Latinum, Antiqvissimum & novissimum nunc demum infinitis penè laboribus & continuis vigilijs compositum & absolutum à Francisco de Sacra Quercu. That is, A Dictionarie declaring the originall and derivations, of all words used in any Latine Authors, with the reason of their derivations and appellations; neuer any in this kinde extant before; the quantities of syllables, as also the differences of those words, whose affinitie in signification or otherwise, might cause a promiscuous and improper vse; the pure and improper words gathered into one Dictionarie, and distinguished by this marke: ?. Wherevnto besides the hard and most vsefull words in Divinitie, Philosophie, Physicke, and Logicke, are added many thousand other words out of approved authours old and new, with their Greeke in more exactnesse then ever was in Calepine, Morelius, or any other: and also the coines, measures, weights, and Greeke Rootes, none of which are extant in any Edition formerly published. Herevnto is also annexed the proper names adorned with their Etymologies, illustrated, and explained, with Histories, Proverbes, Mythologies, &c. together with the Chronologie of the persons, and the beginning of noted Citties, and plantation of sundry Countries, the Geography, and the names both ancient and new of the most remarkable places. Lastly, Rider's Dictionarie I. The English before the latine compiled by Rider, is augmented with many hundreds of words, both out of the Law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages, such as were and are with vs in common vse, but never printed vntill now to the perfecting of that worke. Also the Rome Calender
Publication place
William Turner
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
  • etymology
  • Greek
  • Latin
Latin etymological dictionary, often citing Greek terms, and with English explanations or equivalents. The etymologies are superimposed on an augmented Rider's dictionary.
headwords: Latin
explanations: English
other languages: Greek
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: † Fervorium, rij, n.g. a chafferne to heate water in. (cc1r)