William Bullokar, A Short Introduction or Guiding to Print, Write, and Read English Speech (1580)
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William Bullokar Note: 30/09/2005
Book title
A short Introduction or guiding to print, write, and reade Inglish speech: conferred with the olde printing and writing: deuised by William Bullokar: And he that doubteth in any part thereof, shall be more fully satisfied by a booke deuised by the same Author at large, for the amendment of ortographie for Inglish speech, which shall be imprinted shortly, which booke at large answereth all obiections, and openeth all doubts in this amendment of ortographie. So that this pamphlet is printed for a short proofe of the same worke at large, both for the short shew of the vse of that amendment, and a brief collection (out of the same booke at large) of the commodities like to growe by the vse of the same amendment: By the helpe whereof a ruled Grammer for Inglish is made (not yet in print): to the great helpe of a perfite Dictionarie in time to come, and alreadie purposed: To the perfite staie and easie vse of Inglish speech, as long as letters endure, to no small commoditie of this our nation, with great credit for Inglish speech among all other strange nations: herevnto also is added (at the end) the vse of the same ortographie in writing easie to be followed of all writers
Publication place
Henrie Denham
Text type
printed book
Subject area
- grammar
- spelling
Proposes a new phonetic spelling system, names the letters, and explains them in a dialogue in which occasional logical definitions appear
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: undifferentiated
type: logical
sample: [in modern spelling]: Question. What is called a diphthong? Answer. When two vowels come together, and are spelled together in one syllable, those two vowels so sounded together mak a diphthong, and are called a diphthong.]
sample: [in modern spelling]: Question. What is called a diphthong? Answer. When two vowels come together, and are spelled together in one syllable, those two vowels so sounded together mak a diphthong, and are called a diphthong.]
Other editions
1581: STC 4086.7
Modern editions
Danielsson, Bror, R. C. Alston, and J. R. Turner, eds. The Works of William Bullokar. Leeds Texts and Monographs, New Series 1. 4 vols. Vol. 1: A short introduction or guiding, 1580-1581. Vol. 2: Pamphlet for grammar, 1586, ed. J. R. Turner. Vol. 3: Books at large, 1580, ed. J. R. Turner. Vol. 4: Aesops Fablz, 1585, ed. J. R. Turner. n.p.: n.p., 1966-80. view record
Dobson, Eric J. English Pronunciation 1500-1700. 1957. 2nd edn. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968. I: 93-117 . view record