Richard Hogarth, Thesaurarium Trilingue Publicum (1689)

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Book title
Thesaurarium Trilingue Publicum: Being An Introduction to English, Latin and Greek. In Two Parts. The First, Teaching Orthography, and the exactest Way of Pointing yet extant: Also Two Lessons for every Day in the Week for Children, and an Alphabetical Tables of most Primitive words, both Grammatically and truly divided; with a Catalogue of such words, as being the same in Sound differ in Spelling and Signification. The Second, Containing a Method for the more Speedy attaining the Greek Tongue, and the true Accenting thereof; so plain, that an English Scholar may (for the most part) Accent any Greek truly according to Grammar: With an Excellent Prosodia, and several other things fit for those that desire to learn Greek
Publication place
John Leake
Randal Taylor
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
  • grammar
  • Greek
  • Latin
Glossary of like-sounding English words (pp. 31-41); "An Alphabetical Dictionary of most Primitive Words, from One Syllable, to Five or Six, grammatically and truly divided, for a further Instruction to Youth" (pp. 74-90); and "Here follows a Catalogue of such Words as are both Proper and Common Names, which, for distinction, are mark'd with a various Accent" P. N. signifying the Greek Word to be a Proper Name" (pp. 133-38); "These Nouns following differ both in Accent and Signification" (pp. 139-44), etc.
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: Air, from the Skies: You Are sad: Heir to an Estate. (p. 31)
ξενὼν, a Spittle (p. 135)
XVI.531, IV.160
Anonymous. Thesaurarium Trilingue Publicum, 1689. English linguistics, 1500-1800, no. 263. Menston: Scolar Press, 1971. view record
Anonymous. Thesaurarium Trilingue Publicum, 1689. English linguistics, 1500-1800, no. 263. Menston: Scolar Press, 1971. view record