Claude Hollyband, The Treasury of the French Tongue (1580)

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Book title
The Treasurie of the French tong: Teaching the waye to varie all sortes of Verbes; Enriched so plentifully with Wordes and Phrases (for the benefit of the studious in that language) as the like hath not before bin published. Gathered and set forth by Cl. Hollyband. For the better vnderstanding of the order of this Dictionarie, peruse the Preface to the Reader
Publication place
Henrie Bynneman
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
headwords: French
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: Abastardir, to degenerate. (a1r)
Other editions
"A Dictionarie French and English" (STC 6832), revised and enlarged
Eccles, Mark. "Claudius Hollybrand and the Earliest French-English Dictionaries." Studies in Philology 83.1 (1986): 51-61. view record
Farrer, Lucy E. La vie et les oeuvres de Claude de Sainliens, alias Claudius Holyband. Genève: Slatkine Reprints, 1971. view record
Simonini, Rinaldo C., Jr. "The Italian Pedagogy of Claudius Hollyband." Studies in Philology 49 (1952): 144-54. view record
Austin, Warren B. "Claudius Hollyband, an Elizabethan Schoolmaster." Notes and Queries 177 (1939 Oct. 7): 237-40, 255-58. view record
Cormier, Monique C., and Aline Francoeur. "Claudius Hollyband: Pioneer Huguenot Lexicographer in England." Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland 28.2 (2004): 160-75. view record
Berec, Laurent. "Claude de Sainliens, linguiste et pédagogue huguenot, ou le procès de la culture populaire dans l’Angleterre élisabéthaine ." Culture savante, culture populaire. Ed. Yann Tholoniat. Strasbourg: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, 2006. 33-40. view record
Berec, Laurent. "Une école de langues élisabéthaine au cœur de Londres: L'école de Claude de Sainliens alias Claudius Ho(l)lyband?." Les huguenots dans les Iles Britanniques de la Renaissance aux Lumières: Ecrits religieux et représentations. Eds. Anne Dunan-Page and Marie-Christine Munoz-Teulié. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2008. 87-102. view record
Berec, Laurent. Une famille franco-anglaise en Angleterre au temps d'Elisabeth Ière, ou la vie conjugale selon Claude de Sainliens (vers 1535-1597). Paris: Orizons, 2009. view record