John Rastell, The Expositions of the Terms of the Law of England (ca. 1525)
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John Rastell Note: 12/10/2005
Book title
Exposiciones terminorum legum Anglorum. Et natura breuium cum diuersis casibus regulis & fundamentis legum tam de libris Magistri Litteltoni quam de aliis legum libris collectis & breuiter compilatis pro Iuuinibus valde necessariis
THe exposicions of the termys of the law of englond & the nature of the wryttys wyth dyuers rulys and pryncyples of the law aswell out of the bokys of master lyttelton as of other bokys of the law gaderyd & breuely compilyd for yong men very necessary
Publication place
John Rastell
Transcription source
EEBO (British Library)
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
- French
- law
headwords: English
explanations: English
other languages: French
explanations: English
The English entries translate French entries that run parallel to them. This transcription does not include the French entries.
explanations: English
other languages: French
explanations: English
The English entries translate French entries that run parallel to them. This transcription does not include the French entries.
type: alphabetical
type: logical
sample: ¶ Garnyshment ys if accyon of detynew of charters be brought agaynst one & the def. seyth yt the charters were delyueryd to him by the playntyfe & by an other vppon certain condycyons & prayth yt ye other may be warnid to plede wyth ye playntif yf the condicions be performyd or no / and theruppon a wryt of scire facias shall go forth agaynst hym & yt ys callyd a garnyshment.
sample: ¶ Garnyshment ys if accyon of detynew of charters be brought agaynst one & the def. seyth yt the charters were delyueryd to him by the playntyfe & by an other vppon certain condycyons & prayth yt ye other may be warnid to plede wyth ye playntif yf the condicions be performyd or no / and theruppon a wryt of scire facias shall go forth agaynst hym & yt ys callyd a garnyshment.
Other editions
1523: STC 20701 (Alston XVIII.II.I.1);
1527: STC 20703 (all in French; Alston XVIII.II.I.3);
ca. 1530: STC 20703.3 (Alston XVIII.II.I.4);
1563: STC 20703.5 (Alston XVIII.II.I.5);
1567: STC 20704 (Alston XVIII.II.I.6);
1572: STC 20705 (Alston XVIII.II.I.7);
1575: STC 20706 (Alston XVIII.II.I.8);
1579: STC 20706.5 (Alston XVIII.II.I.9-10);
1592: STC 20708 (Alston XVIII.II.I.11);
1595: STC 20709 (Alston XVIII.II.I.12);
1598: STC 20710 (revised by Me. Paget; Alston XVIII.II.I.13);
1602: STC 20711 (Alston XVIII.II.I.14);
1607: STC 20713 (Alston XVIII.II.I.15);
1609: STC 20714 (Alston XVIII.II.I.16);
1615: STC 20715 (Alston XVIII.II.I.17);
1618: STC 20715a (Alston XVIII.II.I.18);
1624-85: continued in The Termes de la Ley (Alston XVIII.II.I.19-28, 11 editions)
1527: STC 20703 (all in French; Alston XVIII.II.I.3);
ca. 1530: STC 20703.3 (Alston XVIII.II.I.4);
1563: STC 20703.5 (Alston XVIII.II.I.5);
1567: STC 20704 (Alston XVIII.II.I.6);
1572: STC 20705 (Alston XVIII.II.I.7);
1575: STC 20706 (Alston XVIII.II.I.8);
1579: STC 20706.5 (Alston XVIII.II.I.9-10);
1592: STC 20708 (Alston XVIII.II.I.11);
1595: STC 20709 (Alston XVIII.II.I.12);
1598: STC 20710 (revised by Me. Paget; Alston XVIII.II.I.13);
1602: STC 20711 (Alston XVIII.II.I.14);
1607: STC 20713 (Alston XVIII.II.I.15);
1609: STC 20714 (Alston XVIII.II.I.16);
1615: STC 20715 (Alston XVIII.II.I.17);
1618: STC 20715a (Alston XVIII.II.I.18);
1624-85: continued in The Termes de la Ley (Alston XVIII.II.I.19-28, 11 editions)
Osselton, N. E. "English Specialized Lexicography in the Late Middle Ages and in the Renaissance." Fachsprachen. Languages for Special Purposes. Eds. L. Hoffman and others. 2 vols. Vol. II. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1998. 2458-65. view record