Thomas D'Oylie, A Spanish Grammar (1590)

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19 October 1590
Book title
A Spanish Grammer conformed to our Englishe Accydence. With a large Dictionarye conteyninge Spanish, Latyn, and Englishe wordes, with a multitude of Spanishe wordes more then are conteyned in the Calapine of x: languages or Neobrecensis Dictionare
Transcription source
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
  • Latin
  • Spanish
Unpublished and lost but made the basis of Richard Percyvall's Bibliotheca Hispanica (1591), the title-page of which says: "The Dictionarie being inlarged with the Latine, by the aduise and conference of Master Thomas Doyley Doctor in Physicke". Alston says, "This is the work entered in the Registers' Register to John Wolfe, October 19, 1590, as being by Thomas D'Oyley, with the title A Spanish grammar conformed to our English accydence. With a large dictionarye" (XII.136).
headwords: Spanish
explanations: Latin
other languages: English
explanations: Latin
type: alphabetical
type: headword
Greg, W. W. and E. Boswell, eds. Records of the Court of the Stationers' Company 1576 to 1602 . London: Bibliographical Society, 1930. II: 565. view record
Steiner, R. J. Two Centuries of Spanish and English Bilingual Lexicography (1590-1800). Janua Linguarum, Series Practica 108. The Hague and Paris: Mouton, 1970. 15. view record
Ungerer, Gustav. "The Printing of Spanish Books in Elizabethan England." Series 5. The Library 20 (1965): 177-229. view record