John March, Actions for Slander (1647)
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Book title
Actions for Slaunder, Or, A Methodicall Collection under certain Grounds and Heads, of what words are actionable in the Law, and what not? A Treatise of very great use and consequence to all men, especially in these times, wherein Actions for Slaunder are more common, and do much more abound then in times past: And when the malice of men so much increases, well may their tongue want a Directory. To which is added, Awards or Arbitrements, Methodised under severall Grounds and Heads, Collected out of our Year-Books and other Private Authentick Authorities: wherein is Principally Shewed, what Arbitrements are good in Law, and what not
Publication place
F. L.
Matthew Walbanck and Richard Best
Text type
printed book
Subject area
A treatise about actionable words that sometimes explains legal terms
headwords: English
type: alphabetical
type: logical
sample: An Arbitrator is as our bookes say, a Judge indifferently chosen by the parties, to end the matter in controversy betweene them, Ad Arbitrium and therefore they are said to be Arbitrators because they have an Arbitrary power, and may judge according to there will and pleasure, so that their judgment be according to the submission & these Judges are not tied to any formalities, or punctuallities in Law neither are they sworne, as other Judges established by publike authority are (p. 162)
sample: An Arbitrator is as our bookes say, a Judge indifferently chosen by the parties, to end the matter in controversy betweene them, Ad Arbitrium and therefore they are said to be Arbitrators because they have an Arbitrary power, and may judge according to there will and pleasure, so that their judgment be according to the submission & these Judges are not tied to any formalities, or punctuallities in Law neither are they sworne, as other Judges established by publike authority are (p. 162)
M 571
Other editions
1648: Wing M 572; Alston XVIII.II.59;
1649: Wing M 578; Alston XVIII.II.59;
1655: Wing M 572; Alston XVIII.II.60;
1674: Wing M 573; Alston XVIII.II.59b
1649: Wing M 578; Alston XVIII.II.59;
1655: Wing M 572; Alston XVIII.II.60;
1674: Wing M 573; Alston XVIII.II.59b