Thomas Hill, The Profitable Art of Gardening (1568)

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Book title
The profitable Arte of Gardeninge nowe the thirde time sette forth: to which is added muche necessarye matter, and a number of Secrets with the Phisicke helpes belonginge to eche herbe, and that easie prepared. To this annexed, two proper treatises, the one entituled The marueilous gouernment, propertie, and benefyte of the bees, with the rare secretes of the hony and waxe. And the other, the yerely coniectures, meete for husbandmen to knowe
Publication place
Thomas Marshe
Transcription source
British Library 967.b.3; EEBO (Huntington)
Text type
printed book
Subject area
  • agriculture
  • herbal
The second book consists of small chapters, each devoted to a plant that the author treats normally as a thing but occasionally discusses as terminology
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: undifferentiated
type: logical
sample: AND first the Sperages (after the mynd of the learned Grekes) ought to be sowen in fat and well dunged ground in the spring tyme, and so manye Seedes sowen together, as you maye well take vp with three of your fingers, and that ech be set (in little forrowes) straite out, and lightly couered with earth. And Didimus writeth, that the Sperages ioy in a fat and moist ground, and wel turned in mich dunge, and to be sowen in the spring time, in furrowes three fingers longe, and that in each to be sowen two or thre graines together, and that halfe a foote a sunder. And that they nede no other diligence and care in the first yeare, but onely to rake and digge vp the wedes cleane from them. And after .xl. daies, the small rootes wil be so folded and tyed one to an other, that they will seame to be fastened and ioyned altogether in one, and of this named of the auncient Gardeners a Spounge. And if the places ... (fol. 61v-62r)
Other editions
1558?: STC 13489.5 (Alston XVII.I.44);
1563: STC 13490 (Alston XVII.I.45);
1572: STC 13492 (Alston XVII.I.46);
1574: STC 13493 (Alston XVII.I.48);
1579: STC 13494 (Alston XVII.I.49);
1586: STC 13495 (Alston XVII.I.50);
1593: STC 13496 (Alston XVII.I.51);
1608: STC 13497 (Alston XVII.I.52)
Johnson, Francis R. "Thomas Hill: An Elizabethan Huxley." The Huntington Library Quarterly 4 (1944 August): 329-51. view record