Magnus Albertus, The Book of Secrets (1560)

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Book title
The boke of secretes of Albertus Magnus, of the vertues of Herbes, stones, and certayne beastes. Also, a boke of thesame author, of the maruaylous thinges of the world: and of certaine effectes caused of certaine beastes
Publication place
John King
Transcription source
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
  • herbal
  • Latin
A translation of a Latin work associated with Albertus de Saxonia that explains herbs (a2v-), stones, and beasts, usually giving the Latin name first, then the English, and interpreting the names
headwords: Latin
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: topical
type: headword
sample: Elitropia Marygolde. (a2v)
The firste herbe is called with the men of Chaldea, Elios with the Grekes, Matuchiol, with the Latynes, Elitropium, with English men, Marygolde, whose interpretation, is of Elios, that is the Sonne, and Tropos, that is alteration, or chaunge, because it is turned according to the sunne The vertue of this herbe is maruelous: for if it be gathered, the Sunne beyng in the signe Leo, in August, and be wrapped in the leafe of a Laurell, or baye tree, and a wolues tothe be added therto, no man shalbe able to haue a word to speake against the bearer therof, but woordes of peace. And yf any thing be stolen, if the bearer of the thinges before named, lay them vnder hys head in the nyght, he shall see the thefe, and all hys conditions. And moreouer, yt the forsayd herbe be put in any church, where women be, whyche haue broken Matrymonye on theyr parte, they shall neuer be able to go forthe of the churche, excepte it be put awaye. And thys last poynte hath bene proued, and is very true. (a3r-a4r)
Other editions
1565: STC 259 (Alston XVII.I.54);
1565: STC 260 (Alston XVII.I.55);
1565?: STC 261 (Alston XVII.I.56);
1570?: STC 262 (Alston XVII.I.57);
1595: STC 263 (Alston XVII.I.58);
1599: STC 264 (Alston XVII.I.59);
1617: STC 265 (Alston XVII.I.60);
1626: STC 266 (Alston XVII.I.61);
1632: STC 266.5 (Alston XVII.I.62);
1637: STC 267 (Alston XVII.I.63);
1650: Wing A875(Alston XVII.I.64);
1681?: Wing A875 (Alston XVII.I.65)