Nicholas Culpeper, A Physical Directory or a Translation of the London Dispensatory Made by the College of Physicians in London (1649)

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Nicholas Culpeper Note: 30/09/2005
Book title
A Physicall Directory or a translation of the London Dispensatory Made by the Colledge of Physicians in London
Publication place
Peter Cole
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
  • weights and measures
Weights and measures (b3v); terms of art (b4); a catalogue of simples: roots (pp. 3-20), barks (20-22), woods and their chips or raspings (23-24), herbs and their leaves (25-57), flowers (57-59), fruits and their buds (59-62), seeds or grains (62-65), tears, liquors, and rosins (65-67), juices (67) things bred of plants (67-68), living creatures (68-69), parts of living creatures and excrements (69-72), belonging to the sea (72-73), and metals, minerals, and stones (74-76); and compounds and their recipes (78-345), beginning with an interpretation of certain common names (79), concluded by two alphabetical tables, to English names in the catalogue of simples, and of the virtues of both simples and compounds).
headwords: Latin
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: AS for the Colledges measures I know not well what English names to give them. Cochlearium holds in syrups half an ounce, in distilled waters three drachms. Cyathus, holds an ounce and an half. Hemina (which also they call Cotyla) contains nine ounces. Libra holds twelve ounces. A Sextary contains eighteen ounces. A Congy six Sextaries (b3v)
Other editions
1650: Wing C7541 (Alston XVII.I.149);
1651: Wing C7542 (Alston XVII.I.150);
1653: Wing C7545 (Alston XVII.I.151);
1654: Wing C7526 (Alston XVII.I.152);
1654: Wing C7527 (Alston XVII.I.153);
1655: Wing C7528 (Alston XVII.I.154);
1659: Wing C7530 (Alston XVII.I.155);
1661: Wing C7531 (Alston XVII.I.156);
1667: Wing C7532 (Alston XVII.I.157);
1669: Wing C7532A (Alston XVII.I.158);
1672: Wing C7533 (Alston XVII.I.159);
1675: Wing C7534 (Alston XVII.I.160);
1679: Wing C7535 (Alston XVII.I.161);
1683: Wing C7536 (Alston XVII.I.162);
1695: Wing C7537 (Alston XVII.I.163)

Royal College of Physicians of London. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis of 1618. Hollister Pharmaceutical Library, no. 2. Madison State Historical Society of Wisconsin: n.p., 1944. view record
Clucas, Stephen. "The Correspondence of a XVII-century `Chymicall Gentleman': Sir Cheney Culpeper and the Chemical Interests of the Hartlib Circle." Ambix 40.3 (1993): 147-70. view record