Daniel Sennert, The Institutions or Fundamentals of the Whole Art, both of Physic and Chirurgery (1656)

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Book title
The Institutions Or Fundamentals Of the whole Art, both of Physick and Chirurgery, Divided into five Books. Plainly discovering all that is to be known in both; as the Subject and end of Physick; the Nature of all Diseases, their Causes, Signs, Differences, Events and Cures. Also The Grounds of Chymistry, and the way of making all sorts of Salves, and preparing of Medicines according to Art; nothing of the like nature in English before
Publication place
Lodowick Lloyd
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
  • chemistry
  • medicine
type: undifferentiated
type: logical
sample: The name of Physick. [margin] THe word Medicina, sithence it is derived of Medendo, that is, helping such as are sick, doth properly belong indeed to the Therapeutical part only; which part being the most necessary, was first invented and garnished, and in this sense the word was formerly taken. The definition of Physick. [margin] Yet afterwards when that part was added, which shewed the preservation of present health; the same ancient Appellation was still retained, and is now attributed to the whole Art. Physick is an Art (as far as it is possible) of preserving mans present health, and restoring it when it is lost. (pp. 1-2)
Other editions
1658: Wing S2537 (Nine books of Physick and Chirurgery);
1659: Wing S2544 (Alston XVII.I.256);
1660: Wing S2546 (Alston XVII.I.257);
1661: Wing S2545 (Alston XVII.I.258)