Robert Whittington, De Nominum Generibus (1513?)
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Robert Whittington Note: 15/10/2005
Book title
Opusculum affabre recognitum et ad vmguem elimatum. ¶De nominum generibus. ¶ De verborum preteritis et supinis. ¶ De formatione preteritorum & supinorum verborum passiuorum/ deponentium: & communium. ¶ De verbis defectiuis. ¶ De verbis que in prima persona sunt confusa. ¶ De ijs que confusum habent preteritum. ¶ De crementus verborum et medie syllabe quantitate in omnibus verbis
Publication place
Richard Pynson
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
- grammar
- Latin
headwords: Latin
explanations: Latin
other languages: English
explanations: Latin
explanations: Latin
other languages: English
explanations: Latin
type: undifferentiated
type: gloss
sample: a seruaunt Assecla
a butler pincerna et
a felowe in office / collega
a poet / poeta
a prophete propheta
[English term above the Latin line, then the Latin text below, rearranged here to show the glosses; a3v]
sample: a seruaunt Assecla
a butler pincerna et
a felowe in office / collega
a poet / poeta
a prophete propheta
[English term above the Latin line, then the Latin text below, rearranged here to show the glosses; a3v]
Other editions
?1513: STC 25479 (Alston XV.352; not in EEBO imagebase);
1515?: STC 25479 (Alston XV.354);
1515?: STC 25479.3 (Alston XV.354);
1516?: STC 25479.5 (Alston XV.355);
1516?: STC 25479.6 (Alston XV.356);
1517?: STC 25479.8 (Alston XV.357);
1518?: STC 25479.9-79.11 (Alston XV.358-59);
1520: STC 25479.14-9.15 (Alston XV.360-61);
1521: STC 25480.3-80.7, 25481-82 (Alston XV.361a-64);
1522: STC 25479.17, -83.5 (Alston XV.365-67);
1523: STC 25485 (Alston XV.368);
1524: STC 25486-86.3 (Alston XV.369-70);
1525: STC 25486.7-87 (Alston XV.371-72);
1526: STC 25488-88.5 (Alston XV.373-74);
1527: STC 25489-89.3, -89.7 (Alston XV.375-77);
1528: STC 25490 (Alston XV.378);
1529: STC 25491-91.3 (Alston XV.379-80);
1530?: STC 25491.7 (Alston XV.381);
1531?: STC 25492 (Alston XV.382);
1533: STC 25493.3-93.7 (Alston XV.383-84);
1534: STC 25494 (Alston XV.385)
1515?: STC 25479 (Alston XV.354);
1515?: STC 25479.3 (Alston XV.354);
1516?: STC 25479.5 (Alston XV.355);
1516?: STC 25479.6 (Alston XV.356);
1517?: STC 25479.8 (Alston XV.357);
1518?: STC 25479.9-79.11 (Alston XV.358-59);
1520: STC 25479.14-9.15 (Alston XV.360-61);
1521: STC 25480.3-80.7, 25481-82 (Alston XV.361a-64);
1522: STC 25479.17, -83.5 (Alston XV.365-67);
1523: STC 25485 (Alston XV.368);
1524: STC 25486-86.3 (Alston XV.369-70);
1525: STC 25486.7-87 (Alston XV.371-72);
1526: STC 25488-88.5 (Alston XV.373-74);
1527: STC 25489-89.3, -89.7 (Alston XV.375-77);
1528: STC 25490 (Alston XV.378);
1529: STC 25491-91.3 (Alston XV.379-80);
1530?: STC 25491.7 (Alston XV.381);
1531?: STC 25492 (Alston XV.382);
1533: STC 25493.3-93.7 (Alston XV.383-84);
1534: STC 25494 (Alston XV.385)