Francoeur 2010: Bibliographic Record
June 2010
- Aline Francoeur
Article title
Fighting Cotgrave with Father Pomey: Guy Miège's Recourse to the <i>Dictionaire Royal Augmenté</i> (1671) in the Preparation of his New <i>Dictionary French and English</i> (1677)
Journal title
International Journal of Lexicography
Journal volume
Publication pages
LEME references
- (influences) Guy Miège, A New Dictionary French and English, with another English and French (1677)
- (influences) Randle Cotgrave, A Dictionary of the French and English Tongues (1611)
Bibliographic reference (MLA style)
Francoeur, Aline. "Fighting Cotgrave with Father Pomey: Guy Miège's Recourse to the Dictionaire Royal Augmenté (1671) in the Preparation of his New Dictionary French and English (1677)." International Journal of Lexicography 23.2 (June 2010): 137-55.
June 2010