Wright 1857: Bibliographic Record
- Thomas Wright
Book title
A Volume of Vocabularies Illustrating the Condition and Manners of our Forefathers, as well as the history of the forms of elementary education and of the languages spoken in this island, from the Tenth Century to the Fifteenth
Publication place
Publication press
privately printed
LEME references
- (modern editions) Lexicon 3
- (modern editions) Anonymous, Latin-English vocabularies for the school of St. Antony, Threadneedle Street, London (ca. 1475 - ca. 1499) pages: 175
Bibliographic reference (MLA style)
Wright, Thomas. A Volume of Vocabularies Illustrating the Condition and Manners of our Forefathers, as well as the history of the forms of elementary education and of the languages spoken in this island, from the Tenth Century to the Fifteenth. Liverpool: privately printed, 1857.