John Rider, Bibliotheca Scholastica (1589)
Full Text
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John Ryder (alternate name for John Rider ) Note: 13/10/2005
Book title
Bibliotheca Scholastica. A Dovble Dictionarie, Penned for all those that would haue within short space the vse of the Latin tongue, either to speake, or write. Verie profitable and necessarie for Scholers, Courtiers, Lawyers and their Clarkes, Apprentices of London, Travellers, Factors for Marchants, and briefly for all Discontinuers within her Majesties realmes of England and Ireland
Publication place
Joseph Barnes
Transcription source
National Library of Wales
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
An English-Latin lexicon (560 pages), coding for literal, figurative, and obsolete, followed by a topical dictionary of birds, colours, etc. (34 pages). These have 9,942 word-entries and about 33,000 sub-entries. The concluding Latin-English index (440 pages) is not included in the LEME transcription.
headwords: English
explanations: Latin
explanations: Latin
explanations: Latin
explanations: Latin
600 (dictionary), 419 (index), 12 (preliminary)
type: alphabetical
type: headword
number: 9942
sample: An Abecedarie or alphabet. 1 Alphabetum, abecedarium. n. An abecedarie, or pettie, or teacher of petties. 1 Alphabetarius, abecedarius, m
number: 9942
sample: An Abecedarie or alphabet. 1 Alphabetum, abecedarium. n. An abecedarie, or pettie, or teacher of petties. 1 Alphabetarius, abecedarius, m
Kennedy, Arthur Garfield. A Bibliography on Writings on the English Language from the Beginning of Printing to the End of 1922. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1927. 2761, 2768, 2798, 2803, 2806, 2808. view record
Other editions
1606: STC 21032 (rev. Francis Holyoke; Alston XV.789);
1612: STC 21033 (Alston XV.790);
1617: STC 21034-34.3, 21034.7, 21034a (Alston XV.791-94);
1626: STC 21035 -35.3, -35.5, -35.7, and not in STC (Alston XV.795-99);
1627: STC 21036 (Alston XV.800);
1633: STC 21036a, 13620 (Alston XV.800);
1640: STC 21036b, -36b.3, -36a.5, -36a.7, -36b.7, 13620.5, 13621, 13621a, -21a.5, -21a.7 (Alston XV.801-05);
1648/49: Wing R1441A (Alston XV.806);
1649: Wing R1442B, R1442C (Alston XV.807-08);
1659: Wing R1443 (Alston XV.809)
1612: STC 21033 (Alston XV.790);
1617: STC 21034-34.3, 21034.7, 21034a (Alston XV.791-94);
1626: STC 21035 -35.3, -35.5, -35.7, and not in STC (Alston XV.795-99);
1627: STC 21036 (Alston XV.800);
1633: STC 21036a, 13620 (Alston XV.800);
1640: STC 21036b, -36b.3, -36a.5, -36a.7, -36b.7, 13620.5, 13621, 13621a, -21a.5, -21a.7 (Alston XV.801-05);
1648/49: Wing R1441A (Alston XV.806);
1649: Wing R1442B, R1442C (Alston XV.807-08);
1659: Wing R1443 (Alston XV.809)
Rider, John. Bibliotheca Scholastica, 1589. English linguistics 1500-1800, no. 217. Menston: Scolar Press, 1970. view record
Sisson, C. J. "The Laws of Elizabethan Copyright: the Stationers' View." 5th series. The Library 15.1 (1960 March): 8-20. view record
Starnes, De Witt Talmage. Renaissance Dictionaries, English-Latin and Latin-English. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1954. 218-36. view record
Starnes, De Witt Talmage. Renaissance Dictionaries, English-Latin and Latin-English. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1954. 218-36. view record