Dame Juliana Berners, The Book of St. Albans (1486)
Full Text
Juliana Bernes (alternate name for Dame Juliana Berners )
Book title
IN so moch that gentill men and honest persones haue greete delite in haukyng and desire to haue the maner to take haukys: and also how and in waat wyse they shulde gyde theym ordynateli: and to knaw the gentill termys in communyng of theyr haukys: and to vnderstonde theyr sekeneses and enfirmtees: and also to knawe medicines for them accordyng. and mony notabull termys that ben vsyd in hawkyng both of their haukys and of the fowles that their hawkys shall sley. Therfore thys booik fowlowyng in a dew forme shewys veri knowlege of suche plesure to gentill men and personys disposed to se itt
Publication place
St. Albans
Transcription source
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
- fauna
- hawking and hunting
(a) "The kyndeli termis that belong to hawkis" (a2v, a6r-a7v);
(b)"How ye shall naame the memberes of yowre
hawkis in conuenient termes. (a7v-d4v);
(c) "The namys of diuerse maner houndis" (f4v);
(d) "... the compaynys of beestys and fowlys..." (f6r-f7v);
(e) "HEre folow the dew termys to speke of breeh
yng or dressyng of dyuerse beestis and fowlis &c.
And thessame is shewed of certayn fysshes." (f7v)
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
1486 A [164], 1486 C [46], 1486 H [ca. 50]
Other editions
11 editions: 1496, 1518? 1530? 1533? 1547? ca. 1550, 1556, 1558?, 1560? 1565? (STC 3309-3313.7); as revised by G. Markham, 1595 (STC 3314)
Berners, Dame Juliana. English Hawking and Hunting in the Boke of St. Albans: a Facsimile Edition of Sigs. a2-f8 of the Boke of St. Albans (1486). Ed. Rachel Hands. London: Oxford University Press, 1975. view record
Berners, Dame Juliana. The Boke of St. Albans by Dame Juliana Berners: Containing Treatises on Hawking, Hunting, and Cote Armour: Printed at Saint Albans by the Schoolmaster-printer in 1486. London: Elliot Stock, 1899. view record
Berners, Juliana. The Boke of Saint Albans. Saint Albans, 1486. The English experience, no. 151. New York: Da Capo Press, 1969. view record
Berners, Dame Juliana. The Boke of St. Albans by Dame Juliana Berners: Containing Treatises on Hawking, Hunting, and Cote Armour: Printed at Saint Albans by the Schoolmaster-printer in 1486. London: Elliot Stock, 1899. view record
Berners, Juliana. The Boke of Saint Albans. Saint Albans, 1486. The English experience, no. 151. New York: Da Capo Press, 1969. view record
Modern editions
S., T., and Juliana Berners. A Jewell for Gentrie / T.S.. The English experience, no. 890. Amsterdam: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1977. view record
Allen, Hope E. "The Fifteenth-century `Associations of Beasts, of Birds, and of Men': The Earliest text with `Language for Carvers'." PMLA 51.2 (1936 June): 602-06. view record
Hodgkin, John. "Proper Terms: An Attempt at a Rational Explanation of the Meaning of the Collection of Phrases in `The Book of St. Albans,' 1486, Entitled `Companynyns of beestys and fowlys', and Similar Lists." Supplement. Transactions of the Philological Society (1907-10): 1-187. view record
Pafort, Eloise. "Notes on the Wynkyn de Worde Editions of the Boke of St. Albans and its Separates." Studies in Bibliography 5 (1952-53): 43-52. view record
Swaen, A. E. H. "The Booke of Hawkyng after Prince Edwarde Kyng of Englande and its Relation to the Book of St. Albans." Studia Neophilologica 16 (1943): 1-32. view record
Hodgkin, John. "Proper Terms: An Attempt at a Rational Explanation of the Meaning of the Collection of Phrases in `The Book of St. Albans,' 1486, Entitled `Companynyns of beestys and fowlys', and Similar Lists." Supplement. Transactions of the Philological Society (1907-10): 1-187. view record
Pafort, Eloise. "Notes on the Wynkyn de Worde Editions of the Boke of St. Albans and its Separates." Studies in Bibliography 5 (1952-53): 43-52. view record
Swaen, A. E. H. "The Booke of Hawkyng after Prince Edwarde Kyng of Englande and its Relation to the Book of St. Albans." Studia Neophilologica 16 (1943): 1-32. view record
- Leggatt, N. J. Shirley. "The Book of St. Albans and the Origins of Its Treatise on Hawking." Studia Neophilologica 22 (1949-50): 135-45. view record
- Scott-McNab, David. A Sporting Lexicon of the Fifteenth Century. Medium Ævum Monographs, NS 23 . Oxford: The Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature, 2003. view record