John Joscelyn, Dictionarium Saxonico-Latinum (ca 1580 - 1590)

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1580ca 1590
John Joscelyn (alternate name for John Joscelyn ) Note: 11/10/2005
John Parker
Laurence Nowell
Book title
Dictionarium Saxonico-Latinum
Transcription source
British Library Cotton Titus MSS A.15-16
Text type
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
Old English
Two-thirds are in the hand of John Parker, son of Archbishop Matthew Parker, Joscelin's employer. English words appear to be taken from Nowell.
headwords: Old English
explanations: Latin
other languages: English
explanations: Latin
type: alphabetical
type: headword
number: 22500
sample: afenlæcð aduesperascit . it draweth towardes night
Other editions
British Library Harley MS 8-9, transcribed by Simonds D'Ewes;
MS. Germ. 32, pp. 1-325, transcribed by Friedrich Lindenborg (Hamburg Staats- und Universitäts-Bibliothek; now missing)
Graham, Timothy. "John Joscelyn, Pioneer of Old English Lexicography." Old English Newsletter 27.3 (1994): A-40, A-41. view record
Hetherington, M. Sue. The Beginnings of Old English Lexicography. Spicewood, Texas: n.p., 1980. 25-51. view record
Lutz, Angelika. "Das Studium der angelsächsischen Chronik im 16. Jahrhundert: Nowell und Joscelyn." Anglia 100-.3-4 (1982): 301-56. view record
Graham, Timothy. "John Joscelyn, pioneer of Old English lexicography ." The Recovery of Old English: Anglo-Saxon Studies in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Ed. Timothy Graham. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, 2001. 83-140. view record
Bately, Janet. "John Joscelyn and the Laws of the Anglo-Saxon Kings." Words, texts, and manuscripts: studies in Anglo-Saxon culture presented to Helmut Gneuss on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. Eds. M. Korhammer, Karl Reichl, and Hans Sauer. n.p.: n.p., 1992. 435-66. view record
Graham, Timothy and Andrew G. Watson, eds. The Recovery of the Past in Early Elizabethan England. Documents by John Bale and John Joscelyn from the Circle of Matthew Parker. Cambridge Bibliographical Society Monograph, 13. Cambridge: Cambridge University Library, 1998. view record
Tornaghi, Paola. "On legal sources in the dictionaries of John Joscelyn and Sir Simonds D'Ewes." Thou sittest at another boke ...: English Studies in Honour of Domenico Pezzini. Eds. Giovanni Iamartino, Maria Luisa Maggioni, and Roberta Facchinetti. Milan: Polimetrica, 2008. 331-54. view record
  • Rosier, J. L. "The Sources of John Joscelyn's Old English-Latin Dictionary." Anglia 78 (1960): 28-39. view record