John Wilkins, An Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language (1668)

Full Text
John Wilkins Note: 15/10/2005
Lexicon title
An Alphabetical Dictionary, Wherein all English Words According to their Various Significations, Are either referred to their Places in the Philosophical Tables, Or explained by such Words as are in those Tables
Book title
An Essay Towards a Real Character, And a Philosophical Language
Publication place
J. M.
Samuel Gellibrand and John Martyn
Transcription source
Scolar Press facsimile (copy owned by R. C. Alston) and EEBO/TCP transcript
Text type
printed book
General English Dictionaries and Glossaries
Subject area
  • philosophy
  • thesaurus
An English dictionary on semantic principles
headwords: English / Latin
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
number: 24
type: headword
number: 11393
sample: Absurd. [foolish] HA. VI. 2. D. [nor congruous] T. V. 5. (p. 248)
W 2196
Other editions
Phillipps MS 9318: "Dr. Wilkins on the English Tongue. thin 4to. ch. p. rus. autograph. T.1366" (Phillipps [1968]: 147).
Wilkins, John. An Essay towards a Real Character, and a Philosophical Language, 1668 . English linguistics, 1500-1800, no. 119. Menston: Scolar Press, 1968. view record
Modern editions
  • Funke, O., Zum Weltsprachen-problem in England im 17. Jahrhundert (Anglistische Forschungen LXIX, 1929): 107-44.
  • DeMott, Benjamin. "The Sources of John Wilkins' Philosophical Language," JEGP 57 (1958): 1-13
  • Dolezal, Frederic, "The construction of entries in the `alphabetical dictionary' (1668) of John Wilkins and William Lloyd," LEXeter '83, ed. R. R. K. Hartmann (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1984): 67-72
  • Dolezal, Frederic T., "John Wilkins and the development of a structural semantics," Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences 3 (1987): 271-81.
  • Dolezal, Frederic T., "John Wilkins' and William Lloyd's Alphabetical Dictionary (1668): towards a comprehensive, and systematically defined, lexicon," Papers in Linguistics 19.1 (1986): 111-30
  • Funke, Otto. "On the Sources of John Wilkins' Philosophical Language (1668)," English Studies 40 (1959): 208-14.
  • Funke, Otto. Zum Weltsprachenproblem in England im 17 Jahrhundert -- G. Dalgarno's Ars Signorum (1661) und J. Wilkins' Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language (1668). Heidelberg.
  • Hüllen, Werner, and Gaby Sikora, "John Wilkins's mistakes," The Henry Sweet Society Newsletter 13 (1989): 2-6.
  • Hüllen, Werner, "The paradigm of John Wilkins' thesaurus," The history of Lexicography (Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1986): 115-25.
  • Isermann, Michael. "Rational Representation or secret analogy?: some remarks on the philosophical language of John Wilkins," Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft 6.1 (Münster; 1996): 53-77
  • Nate, Richard. "The interjection as a grammatical category in John Wilkin's philosophical language," Historiographia Linguistica 23.1-2 (1996): 89-109
  • Partridge, Monica, "A forgotten 17th century English pioneer of languages in contact," Filologija 17 (1989 [1990]): 111-19.
  • Robins, Robert Henry, "John Wilkins and some questions about a universal language," On Languages and Language: the Presidential Addresses of the 1991 Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, ed. Werner Winter (Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1995): 247-56.
  • Salmon, Vivian, "`Philosophical' Grammar in John Wilkins's `Essay,'" in her The Study of Language in 17th-century England (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1979): 97-126. Originally in Canadian Journal of Linguistics 20.2 (1975): 131-60.
  • Salmon, Vivian, "John Wilkins' Essay (1668): Critics and Continuators," in her The Study of Language in 17th-century England (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1979): 191-206. Originally in Historiographia Linguistica 1.2 (1974): 147-63.
  • Shapiro, B. J., John Wilkins 1614-1672. An Intellectual Biography (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969).
  • Subbiondo, Joseph L., "From pragmatics to semiotics: the influence of John Wilkin's pulpit oratory on his philosophical language," Historiographia Linguistica 23.1-2 (1996): 111-22
  • Subbiondo, Joseph L., ed., John Wilkins and 17th-century British Linguistics (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1992)
  • Subbiondo, Joseph L., "John Wilkins' theory of the origin and development of language: historical linguistics in 17th-century Britain," Proceedings of the ... international conference on the history of the language sciences, 4.1 (1987 [1990]): 357-65.
  • Subbiondo, Joseph L., "John Wilkins' theory of articulatory phonetics," Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences 3 (1987): 263-70.
  • Subbiondo, J.L., "Francis Bacon's `New Atlantis' and John Wilkins' `Essay': Educational reform and philosophical language in seventeenth-century England," in Law and Hüllen (1996): 123-40.
  • Clauss, S. "John Wilkins' Essay Towards a Real Character: its Place in the Seventeenth-century Episteme." Journal of the History of Ideas 43 (1982): 531-53. view record
    Cram, David. "George Dalgarno on Ars Signorum and Wilkins' Essay." Progress in Linguistic Historiography. Ed. Konrad Koerner. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1980. 113-21. view record
    Cram, David. "Seventeenth-century Punctuation Theory: Butler's Philosophical Analysis and Wilkins' Philosophical Critique." Folia Linguistica Historica 8.1-2 (1989): 309-49. view record
    DeMott, Benjamin. "The Sources and Development of John Wilkins' Philosophical Language." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 57.1 (1958): 1-13. view record
    Dolezal, Fredric. "The Construction of Entries in the `Alphabetical Dictionary' (1668) of John Wilkins and William Lloyd." LEXeter'83 Proceedings. Ed. R. R. K. Hartmann. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1984. 67-72. view record
    Dolezal, Fredric. Forgotten but Important Lexicographers: John Wilkins and William Lloyd: A Modern Approach to Lexicography before Johnson. Lexicographica Series Maior 4. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1985. view record
    Dolezal, Fredric T. "John Wilkins' and William Lloyd's Alphabetical Dictionary (1668): towards a Comprehensive, and Systematically Defined, Lexicon." Papers in Linguistics 19.1 (1986): 111-30. view record
    Dolezal, Fredric T. "John Wilkins and the Development of a Structural Semantics." Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences 3 (1987): 271-81. view record
    Hüllen, Werner, and Gaby Sikora. "John Wilkins's Mistakes." The Henry Sweet Society Newsletter 13 (1989): 2-6. view record
    Hüllen, Werner. English Dictionaries 800-1700: The Topical Tradition. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999. 244-301. view record
    Isermann, Michael. "Rational Representation or Secret Analogy? Some Remarks on the Philosophical Language of John Wilkins." Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft 6.1 (1996): 53-77. view record
    Nate, Richard. "The Interjection as a Grammatical Category in John Wilkin's Philosophical Language." Historiographia Linguistica 23.1-2 (1996): 89-109. view record
    Partridge, Monica. "A Forgotten 17th Century English Pioneer of Languages in Contact." Filologija 17 (1989 [1990]): 111-19. view record
    Robins, Robert Henry. "John Wilkins and some Questions about a Universal Language." On Languages and Language: the Presidential Addresses of the 1991 Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Ed. Werner Winter. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1995. 247-56. view record
    Salmon, Vivian. "John Wilkins' Essay (1668): Critics and Continuators." The Study of Language in 17th-century England. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1974. 191-206. view record
    Salmon, Vivian. "`Philosophical' Grammar in John Wilkins's `Essay'." The Study of Language in 17th-century England. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1979. 97-126. view record
    Shapiro, B. J. John Wilkins 1614-1672. An Intellectual Biography. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969. view record
    Stillman, Robert E. The New Philosophy and Universal Languages in Seventeenth-century England: Bacon, Hobbes, and Wilkins. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1995. view record
    Subbiondo, Joseph L. "John Wilkins' Theory of Articulatory Phonetics." Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences 3 (1987): 263-70. view record
    Subbiondo, Joseph L. "John Wilkins' Theory of the Origin and Development of Language: Historical Linguistics in 17th-century Britain." Proceedings of the ... International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences 4.1 (1987 (1990)): 357-65. view record
    Subbiondo, Joseph L., ed. John Wilkins and 17th-century British Linguistics. SHLS 67. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1992. view record
    Subbiondo, J. L. "Francis Bacon's `New Atlantis' and John Wilkins' `Essay': Educational Reform and Philosophical Language in Seventeenth-century England." Linguists and their diversions: a Festschrift for R.H. Robins on his 75th birthday. Eds. Vivien Law and Werner Hüllen. Munster: Nodus, 1996. 123-40. view record
    Subbiondo, Joseph L. "From Pragmatics to Semiotics: The Influence of John Wilkin's Pulpit Oratory on his Philosophical Language." Historiographia Linguistica 23.1-2 (1996): 111-22. view record
    Funke, Otto. "On the Sources of John Wilkins' Philosophical Language (1668)." English Studies 40 (1959): 208-14. view record
    Emery, Clark. "John Wilkins' Universal Language." Isis 38 (1948): 184. view record
    Hüllen, Werner. "The Paradigm of John Wilkins' Thesaurus." The History of Lexicography: Papers from the Dictionary Research Centre Seminar at Exeter, March 1986. Ed. R. R. K. Hartmann. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1986. 115-25. view record
    Dolezal, Fredric Thomas. The Lexicographical and Lexicological Procedures and Methods of John Wilkins. n.p.: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1983. view record
    Lewis, Rhodi. "The Efforts of the Aubrey Correspondence Group to Revise John Wilkins' Essay (1668) and their Context." Historiographia linguistica 28.3 (2001): 331-64. view record
    Subbiondo, Joseph L. "John Wilkin's `Theory of Meaning' and the Development of a Semantic Model." Cahiers linguistiques d'Ottawa 5 (1977): 41-61. view record
    Dons, Ute. Descriptive Adequacy of Early Modern English Grammars. Topics in English Linguistics 47. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2004. 21-22. view record
    Knappe, Gabriele. "Theory Meets Empiricism: English Lexis in John Wilkins' Philosophical Language and the Role of William Lloyd." Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 241.1 (2004): 69-89. view record
    • De Mott, Benjamin. "The Sources and Development of John Wilkins' Philosophical Language." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 57 (1958): view record