Thomas Elyot, Bibliotheca Eliotae (1542)
Full Text
Thomas Elyot Note: 30/09/2005
Thomas Elyot Note: 30/09/2005
Book title
Bibliotheca Eliotae. Eliotis Librarie
Publication place
Thomas Berthelet
Transcription source
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
- Latin
- place name
- proper name
- proverbs
- travel
An expanded second edition of the 1538 Dictionary, recast by Elyot as a quasi-encyclopedic work with proverbs, stories, anecdotes, and Latin quotations with English translations.
headwords: Latin
explanations: English
other languages: Greek
explanations: English
explanations: English
other languages: Greek
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
number: 205
number: 205
type: headword
number: 31860
sample: Ad pedem, a prouerbe whyche signyfieth agreable, as it were my shoe is meete for my foote. Accordynge to this prouerbe is the sentence of Paulus Aemilius, who herynge his wyfe Papyriam commended for her beaultie and dyuers other good qualities, he helde vp his foote to them that praysed her, and asked howe they lyked his shoe. They sayd it was a good shoe. Than sayd Aemilius, ye se that it is a newe shoe, and a well made shoe, but yet none of you do know where he wryngeth me. but yet I do fele it.
number: 31860
sample: Ad pedem, a prouerbe whyche signyfieth agreable, as it were my shoe is meete for my foote. Accordynge to this prouerbe is the sentence of Paulus Aemilius, who herynge his wyfe Papyriam commended for her beaultie and dyuers other good qualities, he helde vp his foote to them that praysed her, and asked howe they lyked his shoe. They sayd it was a good shoe. Than sayd Aemilius, ye se that it is a newe shoe, and a well made shoe, but yet none of you do know where he wryngeth me. but yet I do fele it.
Kennedy, Arthur Garfield. A Bibliography on Writings on the English Language from the Beginning of Printing to the End of 1922. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1927. 2750. view record
Other editions
1545: STC 7660 (Alston XV.490);
1548: STC 7661 ("This Dictionarie Now Newly imprinted, Anno Domini. M. D. XLVIII. is augmented and inriched with aboue .xxxiij. thousande wordes and phrases, very nedefull for the knowlage of the latine tonge: besyde the descriuyng of the true significations of wordes, whiche were greatly amisse by ouer muche folowyng of Calepine"; Alston XV.491)
1552: STC 7662 (Alston XV.492);
1559: STC 7663 (Alston XV.493)
1548: STC 7661 ("This Dictionarie Now Newly imprinted, Anno Domini. M. D. XLVIII. is augmented and inriched with aboue .xxxiij. thousande wordes and phrases, very nedefull for the knowlage of the latine tonge: besyde the descriuyng of the true significations of wordes, whiche were greatly amisse by ouer muche folowyng of Calepine"; Alston XV.491)
1552: STC 7662 (Alston XV.492);
1559: STC 7663 (Alston XV.493)
Elyot, Sir Thomas, and Thomas Cooper. Bibliotheca Eliotae (1548). n.p.: Scholars' Facsimiles and Reprints, 1975. view record
Dees, Jerome M. "Recent Studies in Elyot." English Language Review 6.2 (1976): 336-44. view record
Foreman, Joel Edward. "The Contributions of Plato, Cicero and Quintilian to Sir Thomas Elyot's Theory of Language." Dissertation Abstracts International 36 (1976): 7383A-84A. view record
McCoy, S. J. The Language and Linguistic Interests of Sir Thomas Elyot. Ph.D. dissertation. n.p.: University of North Carolina, 1933. view record
Starnes, De Witt Talmage. Renaissance Dictionaries, English-Latin and Latin-English. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1954. 68-84. view record
Foreman, Joel Edward. "The Contributions of Plato, Cicero and Quintilian to Sir Thomas Elyot's Theory of Language." Dissertation Abstracts International 36 (1976): 7383A-84A. view record
McCoy, S. J. The Language and Linguistic Interests of Sir Thomas Elyot. Ph.D. dissertation. n.p.: University of North Carolina, 1933. view record
Starnes, De Witt Talmage. Renaissance Dictionaries, English-Latin and Latin-English. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1954. 68-84. view record
- Estienne, Robert. Dictionarium Latinogallicum, postrema hac æditione valde locupletatum. 1548. Luteti?: Apud Carolum Stephanum, 1552. view record
- Starnes, De W. T. "Thomas Cooper and the Bibliotheca Eliotæ." University of Texas Studies in English 30 (1951): 40-60. view record