Laurence Nowell, Vocabularium Saxonicum (ca 1567)

Full Text
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Laurence Nowell Note: 12/10/2005
Book title
[Vocabularium Saxonicum]
Transcription source
Albert Marckwardt's transcription, collated with Bodleian Library Ms Selden Supra 63 (owned by W[illiam] Lambarde 1567-70 and later by William Somner)
Text type
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
Old English
With notes by William Lambarde
headwords: Old English
explanations: English
explanations: English
Early source for words in the Lancashire dialect.
187 leaves, of which 182 have writing on them
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: Ceafla. The jawes; fauces. Lind. (26v)
Bodleian Library. A Summary Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. 7 vols. in 8. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1895-1953. 3451. view record
Other editions
Transcript by Francis Junius, 108 leaves, ca. 1650; Bodleian Library MS Junius 26 [Bodleian Summary Catalogue 5138]
Modern editions
Nowell, Laurence. Laurence Nowell's Vocabularium Saxonicum. Ed. Albert H. Marckwardt. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1952. view record
Berkhout, Carl T. "The Pedigree of Laurence Nowell the Antiquary." English Language Notes 23.2 (1985 December): 15-26. view record
Black, Pamela M. "Some New Light on the Career of Laurence Nowell the Antiquary." The Antiquaries Journal 62.1 (1982): 116-23. view record
Hahn, Thomas. "The Identity of the Antiquary Laurence Nowell." English Language Notes 20.3/4 (1983 March-June): 10-18. view record
Hetherington, M. Sue. The Beginnings of Old English Lexicography. Spicewood, Texas: n.p., 1980. 2-24. view record
Lutz, Angelika. "Das Studium der angelsächsischen Chronik im 16. Jahrhundert: Nowell und Joscelyn." Anglia 100-.3-4 (1982): 301-56. view record
Marckwardt, Albert H. "Nowell's Vocabularium Saxonicum and Somner's Dictionarium." Philological Quarterly 26.4 (1947 October): 345-51. view record
Marckwardt, Albert H. "An Unnoted Source of English Dialect Vocabulary." Journal of English and Germanic Vocabulary 46.2 (1947): 177-82. view record
Sledd, James. "Nowell's Vocabularium Saxonicum and the Elyot-Cooper Tradition." Studies in Philology 51 (1954): 143-48. view record
Warnicke, Retha M. "The Laurence Nowell Manuscripts in the British Library." The British Library Journal 5.2 (1979 Autumn): 201-02. view record
Churton, Ralph. The Life of Alexander Nowell, Dean of St. Paul's, Chiefly Compiled from Registers, Letters, and other Authentic Evidences. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the Author, 1809. view record
Black, Pamela M. "Laurence Nowell's `Disappearance' in Germany and its Bearing on the Whereabouts on his Collectanea, 1568-1572." English Historical Review 92 (1977): 345-53. view record
Buckalew, Ronald E. "Nowell, Lambarde, and Leland: The Significance of Laurence Nowell's Transcript of Ælfric's Grammar and Glossary." Anglo-Saxon Scholarship: The First Three Centuries. Eds. Carl T. Berkhout and Milton McCormick Gatch. Boston: Hall, 1982. 19-50. view record
Brackmann, Rebecca. The Elizabethan Invention of Anglo-Saxon England: Laurence Nowell, William Lambarde, and the Study of Old English. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2012. view record
  • Marckwardt, Albert H. "The Sources of Laurence Nowell's Vocabularium Saxonicum." Studies in Philology 45 (1948): 21-36. view record