John Withals, A Short Dictionary for Young Beginners (1556)

Full Text
John Withals Note: 15/10/2005
Book title
A short Dictionarie For Yonge Beginners. Gathered of good authors, specially of Columell, Grapald, and Plini
Publication place
John Kingston
John Waley and Abraham Vele
Transcription source
EEBO (Henry E. Huntington Library)
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
A core vocabulary for English in a topical arrangement
headwords: English
explanations: Latin
explanations: Latin
type: topical
type: headword
sample: The euenyng, vespera, ræ, vel tempus vespertinum. Serum subslantinam, est extre ma pars diei. Item serum, significat {whey}: vt infra, vbi de lacearijs habetur.
Kennedy, Arthur Garfield. A Bibliography on Writings on the English Language from the Beginning of Printing to the End of 1922. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1927. 2785-89, 2795-97, 2799, 2801-02, 2807 . view record
Other editions
1553: STC 25874 (no EEBO images available; Alston XV.733);
1562: STC 25876 (Alston XV.735);
1566: STC 25877 (Alston XV.736);
1568: STC 25878 (augmented by L. Evans; Alston XV.737);
1574: STC 25874 (Alston XV.738);
1579: STC 25878.5 (Alston XV.739);
1581: STC 25880 (Alston XV.740);
1584: STC 25880.5 (augmented by A. Fleming; Alston XV.741);
1586: STC 25881 (Alston XV.742);
1594: STC 25882 (Alston XV.743);
1599: STC 25883 (Alston XV.744);
1602: STC 25884 (augmented by William Clerk; Alston XV.745);
1608: STC 25885 (Alston XV.746);
1616: STC 25886 (enlarged; Alston XV.747);
1634: STC 25887 (Alston XV.748)
D., J., and others. "Early English-Latin and Latin-English Dictionaries." 6th series. Notes & Queries 4 (1881): 141-42, 161-63. view record
Hüllen, Werner. "Women and their World in Withals' Dictionary of 1553." Histoire, épisté, langage: revue publiée par la Société d'Histoire et d'Epistémologie des Sciences du Langage. Lille: n.p., 1994 [1995]. 191-216. view record
Hüllen, Werner. English Dictionaries 800-1700: The Topical Tradition. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999. 168-201. view record
Osselton, N. E. "English Specialized Lexicography in the Late Middle Ages and in the Renaissance." Fachsprachen. Languages for Special Purposes. Eds. L. Hoffman and others. 2 vols. Vol. II. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1998. 2458-65. view record
Starnes, D. T. "An Elizabethan Dictionarie for Yonge Beginners." University of Texas Studies in English 29 (1950): 51-76. view record
Starnes, De Witt Talmage. Renaissance Dictionaries, English-Latin and Latin-English. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1954. 167-83. view record
Stein, Gabriele. The English Dictionary before Cawdrey. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1985. 194-204 . view record
  • Stanbridge, John, and Robert Whittinton. The Vulgaria of John Stanbridge and the Vulgaria of Robert Whittinton. Ed. Beatrice White. Early English Text Society, Extra Series 187. London: n.p., 1932. (Stanbridge) view record
  • Turner, William. Turner on Birds: A Short and Succinct History of the Principal Birds Noticed by Pliny and Aristotle first Published by Doctor William Turner, 1544 . Ed. A. H. Evans. Trans. A. H. Evans. n.p.: University Press, 1903. view record
  • Calepinus, Ambrosius. Dictionarium ex optimis quibus authoribus. Argentoraci: J. Gru?ninger, 1510. view record
  • Elyot, Sir Thomas, and Thomas Cooper. Bibliotheca Eliotae (1548). n.p.: Scholars' Facsimiles and Reprints, 1975. view record
  • Turner, William. The Names of Herbes, A.D. 1548. Ed. James Britten. London Published 1881: N. Trübner for the English Dialect Society, n.d. view record
  • Grapaldi, Francesco Mario. De partibus aedium . Basil: Io. Angelum and Bernardinum de Sylua?, 1533. view record
  • Pollux, Julius. J. Pollucis Onomasticon, hoc est instructissimum rerum et synonymorum dictionarium, nunc primum Latinitate donatum. Trans. Rudolph, the elder Walther. 1502 (in Greek). Basileæ: R. Winter, 1541. view record