All Lexicons (1475 - 1755) by Anonymous,

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797 The State Papers Latin-English Dictionary Fragment ca. 1400 - ca. 1500 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
1412 Catholicon Anglicum ca. 1440 Bilingual lexicon
Not available
695 Nominale ca. 1450 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
15 Trilingual Plant Names from Bodleian Library MS Douce 380 ca. 1450 - ca. 1499 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
642 De Nomina Infirmitatis Instrumentorum Et Medicinarum ca. 1450 - 1550? Multilingual lexis
  • medicine
Not available
1209 Legal Glossary in Bokenham's Mappula Angliae after 1475 Hard words
  • law
Not available
1210 Legal Glossary in Ranulf Higden's Polychronicon (Harley MS 2261) after? 1475 Hard words
  • law
Not available
17 Latin-English Vocabularies for the School of St. Antony, Threadneedle Street, London ca. 1475 - ca. 1499 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
16 Sinonima Secundum Alphabetum Probata ca. 1475 - ca. 1499 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
1193 Glossariolum in quo Difficiliora quaedam Explicantur Vocabula Chemica ca. 1475 - ca. 1500 Multilingual lexis
  • chemistry
Not available
697 Herbs in Latin and English ca. 1475 - ca. 1500 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
1545 Medulla Grammatice (BL Harley MS 1000) ca. 1475 - ca. 1500 Other
  • Latin
Not available
1546 Medulla Grammatice (BL Harley MS 1738) ca. 1475 - ca. 1500 Other
  • Latin
Not available
1547 Medulla Grammatice (BL Harley MS 2181) ca. 1475 - ca. 1500 English lexis
Not available
1548 Medulla Grammatice BL Harley MS 2270 ca. 1475 - ca. 1500 English lexis
  • Latin
Not available
13 British Additional MS 34,276 Latin and English Vocabularies ca. 1475 - ca. 1525 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
693 Nomina Infirmitatum Instrumentorum et Medicinarum ca 1475 - ca 1525 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
537 Medulla Grammatice (Pepys MS 2002) ca. 1480 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
851 Exposicio Vocabulorum 1482 Hard words
  • French
  • Latin
  • law
Not available
21 Catholicon Anglicum: The Remedy for all Diseases ca. 1483 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
838 St. Albans Chronicle 1485 Names
  • proper name
Not available
24 English and French 1497 Multilingual lexis
  • French
25 The Assembly of the Gods 1498 Hard words
  • Classical mythology
  • proper name
1184 Glossary of Drugs and their Properties ca. 1500 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • minerals
Not available
191 Information for Pilgrims unto the Holy Land 1500 Multilingual lexis
  • Arabic
  • Greek
  • travel
  • Turkish
35 Ortus Vocabulorum 1500 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
32 English and Latin Plant List 1500 - ca. 1599 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
1216 The Lambeth Italian and English Dictionary ca. 1500 - ca. 1599 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
31 Medical Simples in Latin and English ca 1500 - ca 1599 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
1211 Urbium et Regionum Quarundam Clogia ca. 1500 - ca. 1599 Hard words
  • geography
  • rhetoric
Not available
28 Expositio Vocabulorum (Yelverton) ca 1500 - ca 1600 Hard words
  • Latin
  • law
Not available
814 George Austen's Legal Glossary 1500 - ca. 1600 Hard words
  • law
  • Old English
Not available
27 Liber Herbarum Vade Meum Vocatur ca 1500 - ca 1600 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
33 Os Facies Mentum 1505 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
1497 The Book of Carving 1508 English lexis
  • cooking
Not available
1442 The Calendar of Shepherds 1511 Hard words
  • medicine
1225 Pour Apprendre à Parler Francoys, Alemant, et Ancloys 1519? Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • German
  • grammar
Not available
42 Banckes's Herbal 1525 Hard words
  • herbal
1261 The Fromond List of Garden Plants ca. 1525 English lexis
  • herbal
646 Un Petit Livre pour Apprendre à Parler Français, Allemand, et Anglais ca. 1525 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • German
Not available
41 Herbs in Latin and English (Bodleian) ca. 1525 - ca. 1550 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
44 The Great Herbal 1526 Hard words
  • herbal
1566 Hortus Sanitatis 1527 Treatise
  • fauna
Not available
817 English, French, Dutch ca 1530 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
  • French
Not available
1533 The Mirror of Our Lady 1530 Treatise
Not available
1498 The Book Named the Assize of Bread 1532 Other
  • cooking
Not available
1457 Chaucer's Works 1532 Hard words
Not available
855 Certain Brief Rules of the Regiment or Construction of the Eight Parts of Speech in English and Latin 1537 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
52 Sex Linguarum 1537 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
  • French
  • Italian
  • Latin
  • Spanish
829 A Very Necessary Book both in English and in French 1543 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
884 A Compendious Treatise of Slander 1545? Treatise
  • law
1187 The Wellcome Historical Medical Library Herbal 1545 - 1575 Hard words
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
1230 A Concordance 1550 Concordance
  • Bible
Not available
66 A Very Necessary Book both in English and in French 1550 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
1186 Definitions of Medical and Chemical Terms ca. 1550 - ca. 1600 Hard words
  • chemistry
  • medicine
Not available
77 Pierce the Ploughmans Creed 1553 Hard words
  • Middle English
74 A Very Profitable Book to Learn the Manner of Reading, Writing, and Speaking English and Spanish 1554 Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
Not available
81 The Book of English and Spanish 1555? Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
1520 A Manifest Detection of Diceplay 1555 Treatise
Not available
1514 The Watermen's Rates: London to Gravesend 1555 Treatise
Not available
88 Verba Obsoleta et Alia ca 1558 - 1593 Hard words
  • Latin
  • law
87 Materia Medica ca 1558 - ca 1600 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
89 Words in English, Welsh, and Irish ca 1558 - ca 1600 Multilingual lexis
  • Irish
  • Welsh
Not available
833 Verba Anglica Obscura et Glosata ca 1558 - ca 1603 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • law
  • Old English
871 An ABC for Scots Men to Read the French Tongue 1559? Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Scottish
Not available
1277 Annotations to William Thynne's 1532 Edition of Chaucer's Works ca. 1568 - ca. 1597 Hard words
  • annotation to text
  • Middle English
Not available
132 A Plain Pathway to the French Tongue ca 1575 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
135 Kymraeg Sacsonaec ca 1575 - ca 1600 Multilingual lexis
  • Welsh
Not available
91 An Alphabet and Plain Pathway to the Faculty of Reading 1576 Treatise
  • spelling
Not available
711 A Pretty School of Spelling and Writing English 1580 Treatise
  • spelling
Not available
165 The Geneva Bible (Breeches) 1583 Hard words
  • Bible
  • proper name
Not available
904 The Book of Honor and Arms 1590 Treatise
  • heraldry
Not available
1420 The Cobbler of Canterbury 1590 Hard words
189 Sloane French Vocabulary ca. 1590 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
187 Sancroft French Vocabulary ca 1590 - ca 1599 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
1470 Glosses on Chapman's Hymns 1594 - 1600 Treatise
  • poetry
Not available
1521 Mihil Mumchance, His Discouerie of the Art of Cheating in false Dyce Play 1597 Treatise
  • games
Not available
219 Exposition of Obscure Words in Physic ca 1597 - ca 1617 Hard words
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
717 A Plain and Ready Form to Teach Children to Read in a Short Time 1598 Grammar
  • spelling
Not available
1201 Cambridge Greek-Latin-English Glossary ca. 1600 - ca. 1625 Multilingual lexis
  • Greek
  • Latin
Not available
623 English-French Law Dictionary ca 1600 - ca 1625 Hard words
  • French
  • law
Not available
241 Expositio Vocabularum (British Library Additional MS 1030) ca 1600 - ca 1650 Hard words
  • law
  • Old English
Not available
256 British Additional Italian-English-Turkish Dictionary MS ca 1600 - ca 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
  • Turkish
Not available
252 The Cinque Ports Glossary ca 1600 - ca 1699 Hard words
  • law
Not available
1197 Dictionarum Italico-Anglicanum ca. 1600 - ca. 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
1212 Elementa Saxonica ca. 1600 - ca. 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Old English
Not available
620 English Words in Wales ca 1600 - ca 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Middle English
Not available
249 Fish and Fishponds ca 1600 - ca 1699 Hard words
  • fishing
  • navigation and the sea
Not available
254 The Glossary of British Library Additional MS 4206 ca 1600 - ca 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
251 John Pell's Mathematical Collections ca 1600 - ca 1699 Hard words
  • cosmography and astrology
  • mathematics
Not available
1215 Latin-English Vocabulary in Sloane 888 1600 - 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
220 National Library of Scotland English-Latin Phrase Book 1600 - 1699 Hard words
  • Latin
Not available
253 Norris Family Legal Glossary ca 1600 - ca 1699 Hard words
  • law
Not available
622 Preparations for a Geographical Dictionary ca 1600 - ca 1699 Names
  • geography
Not available
255 The Sloane Italian-English Vocabulary ca 1600 - ca 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
683 An Essay towards a New English Dictionary ca 1600 - ca 1700 Hard words
  • synonyms
Not available
247 The Sloane Italian-English Dictionary ca 1600 - ca 1700 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Italian
Not available
246 The Sloane Spanish-English Vocabulary ca 1600 - ca 1700 Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
Not available
815 Yale Legal Glossary 1600 - ca 1700 Hard words
  • law
Not available
262 An Ease for Overseers of the Poor 1601 Hard words
  • law
Not available
261 A New Book of Spelling with Syllables 1601 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
699 Ashmole Terms in Common Law ca 1603 - ca 1647 Hard words
  • antiquities
  • law
Not available
1447 The Ploughman's Tale 1606 Other
  • poetry
Not available
182 Rawlinson Glossary ca. 1612 - ca 1656 Hard words
  • hard words
1202 The Spanish and English Grammar ca. 1622 - ca. 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
Not available
661 A Dictionary English and Latin 1623 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
804 A Spanish-English Vocabulary ca 1623 - ca 1625 Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
Not available
830 English Villainies (and Manuscript Additions) 1632 Hard words
  • canting
Not available
1191 Bodleian Anglo-Saxon Glossary ca. 1636 Other
  • Old English
Not available
1160 The English Accidence ca. 1636 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
590 Notes of Definitions ca. 1637 - ca. 1660 Hard words
Not available
1016 Hermes Anglo-Latinus 1638 - 1639 Treatise
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
412 Vindex Anglicus or the Perfections of the English Language 1644 Hard words
  • branded words
653 Den Engelichen School-Meester / The English Schoolmaster 1646 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
Not available
422 An Alphabetical Table of some Terms of the Art of Chirurgery ca 1647 Multilingual lexis
  • medicine
  • weights and measures
Not available
420 Ireland 1647 Names
  • place name
Not available
434 French, Italian, and Spanish Vocabularies ca 1650 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish
Not available
372 The Mirror of Compliments 1650 Hard words
  • hard words
Not available
244 Watkin Owen's Law Lexicon ca 1650 - ca 1680 Hard words
  • law
Not available
848 A New Model or the Conversion of the Infidel Terms of the Law 1652 Hard words
  • law
867 Miscellanea Magna 1653 Hard words
  • Latin
  • law
Not available
477 The Academy of Pleasure 1656 Hard words
  • poetry
1034 Exact Rules of Grammar 1656 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
812 Notes on Chancery and Legal Terms ca 1659 Hard words
  • law
Not available
932 Pharmacopoea Belgica, or the Dutch Dispensatory 1659 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
1106 The Dutch Tutor 1660? Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
Not available
1043 Rudimenta Linguae Latinae Praemissa Grammaticae Latinae 1660 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1052 The Scholar's Gold Ring 1664 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
529 Manicotta ca 1670 Names
  • proper name
Not available
534 Definitions on Trade ca 1671 Hard words
  • economy
Not available
621 A Saxon Etymological Vocabulary after 1671 Multilingual lexis
  • etymology
  • Old English
Not available
554 Naval Definitions ca 1676 Hard words
  • navigation and the sea
Not available
662 The Child's Bible 1677 Spelling
  • Bible
  • spelling
Not available
889 A Brief Method of the Law 1680 Hard words
  • law
Not available
1069 Familiar Forms of Speaking 1680 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
1077 Tironum Latine Balbutientium Erudiendi Promovendique Methodus Nova 1680 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
760 A Treatise of Stops, Points, or Pauses 1680 Hard words
  • spelling
Not available
567 Definitions in Philosophy and Religion ca 1680 - ca 1699 Hard words
  • Bible
  • philosophy
Not available
568 Old Testament Terms ca 1680 - ca 1699 Hard words
  • Bible
Not available
1078 A Pleasant Spelling-Piece 1681 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1240 Friendly Advice to the Corrector of the English Press at Oxford concerning the English Orthography 1682 Hard words
  • branded words
  • spelling
Not available
768 Hortus Anglicanus: A New Garden of English Words 1683 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1090 The Way of Teaching the Latin Tongue by Use 1685 Treatise
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
581 The Dictionary of Sensible Words 1685 - 1686 Hard words
  • Bible
Not available
1253 Clavis ca. 1685 - ca. 1700 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
Not available
773 English Orthography 1686 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1092 Nomenclatura Mundi Anglo-Latina 1686 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
775 The Compendious Schoolmaster 1688 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
676 A Complete Guide to the English Tongue 1689 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
777 The Young Scholar's Best Companion 1689 Grammar
  • spelling
Not available
1189 De la Prononciation de la Langue Angloise ca. 1689 - ca. 1700 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • pronunciation
Not available
1289 A London Lithuanian-English Glossary ca. 1689 - ca. 1703 Bilingual lexicon
  • Lithuanian
Not available
593 An Biobla Naomhtha 1690 Multilingual lexis
  • Bible
  • Irish
Not available
1406 A Clavis to the Foregoing Dialogue 1690 - 1730 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
  • Yorkshire
626 Latin Vocabulary 1691 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
596 Mundus Foppensis or the Fop Displayed 1691 Hard words
  • fashion
  • hard words
781 The Child's Recreation 1692 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
599 An Historical Dictionary of England and Wales 1692 Names
  • history
  • place name
Not available
1227 The Eloquent Master of Languages 1693 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • German
  • grammar
  • Italian
Not available
610 A New Primer or the Child's Recreation 1693 Spelling
  • spelling
783 A Short Introduction into Orthography 1693 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1171 Weg-Weisung: Die Construction in der Englischen Sprache 1693 Multilingual lexis
  • German
  • grammar
Not available
785 A Spelling Book for Children 1694 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
678 The Writing Scholar's Companion 1695 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
895 A Treatise of Trover and Conversion 1696 Hard words
  • law
Not available
790 The True Method of Learning the Latin Tongue by the English 1696 Grammar
  • Latin
Not available
791 A Guide to True Spelling 1697 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
795 Reading Made more Easy 1699 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1363 The Life and Death of the English Rogue ca. 1701 Hard words
  • canting
Not available
1295 A Military Dictionary 1702 Hard words
  • war
Not available
1303 Glossographia Anglicana Nova 1707 English lexis
Not available
1365 Aristotle's Last Legacy 1711 Hard words
  • canting
Not available
1312 A New Canting Dictionary 1725 Hard words
  • canting
Not available
1337 An Hebrew Lexicon 1745 Multilingual lexis
  • Hebrew
Not available
1359 Orpheus: A Collection of English and Scotch Songs 1749 Hard words
  • Scottish
Not available
1342 The Dictionary of Love 1753 Hard words
Not available
1341 A Pocket Dictionary or Complete English Expositor 1753 English lexis
Not available
1344 A New and Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences 1754 - 1755
Not available